As part of our Swing Dance, we hold a really amazing raffle. Each year we ask families and local businesses for prize donations, which are then organized into themed baskets. Here is how you can help:
1. Create and donate a basket as a family or a group of families. Themed baskets from 2020 are attached.
2. Donate an item to be used in a themed basket, such as:
a. Gift cards to local businesses
b. New items we could re-gift into a basket
c. Tickets to concerts or sporting events
d. A weekend away at a timeshare
e. A service (personal chef, tutoring, college essay help)
f. Any other business offering or idea
3. If you have a business contact that would like to support our event, a letter is attached (on official YHS Band letterhead) outlining the donation process.
4. We are looking for a team of parents interested in helping the raffle committee. Contact me if you are interested. Thanks for your help!
Preview attachment Swing Dance Business Letter 2022.pdf

Swing Dance Business Letter 2022.pdf268 KB
Preview attachment 2020 SWING DANCE RAFFLE BASKETS.pdf