Our Music Festival and Six Flags trip is coming up! Students are asked to be in their seat, ready to perform, by 6:45am. Students should wear their YHS Band polo, long black pants (please no yoga pants, sweat pants, or leggings) and black shoes.  Students are welcome to bring a change of bottoms/shoes for our time in the park.  The band polo must be worn all day.

PLEASE PACK YOUR STUDENT A BAGGED LUNCH, WATER, AND SNACKS FOR THE BUS. We will use our meal voucher for dinner in the park.

Our itinerary is attached. Parents are welcome to attend our performance!

Between Band, Choir, and Orchestra we have 159 students attending.

Our chaperones are:

YHS Staff – Ms. Kluga, Ms. Stock, Dr. Bhasin, Mr. Moore, Ms. Varotta

Parents – Mrs. Bose, Mrs. Campana, Mrs. Federico, Mrs. Gambetta, Mr. Griffiths, Mrs. Griffiths, Mrs. Kindler, Mrs. Olener, Mr. Rizzo