Daily Archives: October 8, 2023

8 posts

TAG SALE – Saturday 10/21 (Set up = Friday 10/20)

Our 16th annual Music Boosters Tag Sale is always an amazing community (and community building!) event! Please save your stuff to donate.  Our sale is Saturday 10/21 from 9am-2pm at YHS.  We will be accepting donations on Friday 10/20 from 2:30-7pm.  Tell your friends and neighbors!  Parent and student volunteers will be needed to make this event a success.  Look for an email in the coming weeks to find out how you can help. A flyer is attached.


What a fun first rehearsal last week, and what an enthusiastic bunch! Rehearsals are 7:00-8:30 in the YHS Band Room. Jazz Band students are asked to arrive by 6:50 so we can be warmed up and tuned to start promptly at 7:00.  Music, recordings, and this week’s HW are all available on Dashboard.


Do you need help practicing your lesson HW assignment? Guided practice sessions are offered weekly and hosted by our junior and senior band members (thank you!). Students who lead or attend a session receive 1 point of extra credit. Sessions are held period 9, unless noted otherwise. Additionally, Ms. Kluga is always available for help by appointment

Wednesday 10/11JB Saxophone, JB Low Brass
Thursday 10/12JB Trumpet, Flute
Friday 10/13Saxophone


The citrus sale is underway! We reviewed ordering information in class this week, which is also available on Dashboard, and in paper form in the Band Room.  

Each year, our Band, Choir, and Orchestra ensembles all participate in regional music festivals.  The monies raised from our Citrus Sale will help students defray the cost of their festival participation. In 2019, our best sale ever, our music students SOLD 1,498 boxes and earned a PROFIT of $21,820.

Our website is accepting orders until 11/1/22. All orders will be delivered in time for the holiday season.

YHS Concert Band online store: https://shop.floridaindianrivergroves.com/ecommerce/837673

YHS Wind Ensemble online store: https://shop.floridaindianrivergroves.com/ecommerce/498649

If you or anyone you know is interested in supporting our groups, please share our information. Your enthusiastic participation will ensure our success!  A flyer is attached.


To our Band Families, thank you so very much for your help making our Homecoming event a success for our students! Your work on our behind-the-scenes logistics is so appreciated; whether you donated money for the pizza, sent in snacks, or volunteered your time, our event was a smooth and enjoyable experience because of you.  Our students treasure these Band traditions, and it is wonderful to see them having fun and enjoying social time together!

Special thanks to Mrs. Aoukar and Mrs. Rindone for your work and time being the lead parent organizers for this event!


Our Pep Band students were thrilled to participate in Friday’s Homecoming – and thrilled to be part of such an awesome showing of support from our YHS community! Our Huskers are now 6-0!

Our next Pep Band performance is Friday 10/20 (vs. SOMERS! Big game, folks!).  Report to the Band Room at 5:45pm. Game is at 7:00pm. Please mark your calendars and join us!