Daily Archives: September 8, 2024

14 posts


If you are receiving this, thank you for registering at www.yhsbands.com.  Please be sure to respond “OK” to the set-up verifications (phone and e-mail), as they may have ended up in your spam folder.  This is my primary method of communication for e-mail updates (for families), and lesson/event text reminders (for students).

Our band tech is provided by the very hard work of student webmasters Kelly Griffiths (’25), Devin Robinson (’26), Miles Fallon (’27), and head webmaster Joe Menduni (YHS class of 2014). Thanks guys! 


Our annual Music Boosters Tag Sale is a fun fundraiser and community building event!  Please save your stuff to donate.  Our sale is Saturday 10/19 from 9am-2pm at YHS, and we will be accepting donations on Friday 10/18 from 2:30-7pm.  Tell your friends and neighbors!  Parent and student volunteers are needed to make this event a success.  Look for an e-mail in the coming weeks to find out how you can help. A flyer is attached.


Wednesday 9/11: Pep Band Rehearsal – 1:45-3:00pm in the Band Room

Bring your instrument and charged cell phone. Music and snacks will be provided. Late buses are available at 3:30. Join us to play some fun pop music, enjoy snacks (because Band = Food), and enjoy time together. 

Sunday 9/15: Apple Picking at Wilken’s Farm

Our annual Band “spirit” outing; a social opportunity for students to have fun together outside of rehearsal.

Report Time: Meet AT WILKEN’S at 10:00am. Wear your YHS Band polo.

End Time: Approximately 12:00 noon

COST: $16 cash (includes a half-peck of apples, apple cider, 1 cider doughnut, and priceless band memories 🙂

RSVP: Please bring in $16 cash and sign up in the Band Room by Thursday 9/12.

Thank you to WE VP Gillian Grabowski (‘26) and CB VP Joe Angelucci (’26) for organizing this year’s trip!


Auditions will take place Wednesday 9/18 from 1:40 – 3:00 in the Band room. Requirements and sign-ups will be available in the Band room.  Weekly rehearsals will begin Thursday 9/26, 6:50-8:30pm.  Returning Jazz Band students do not need to audition.