Daily Archives: March 14, 2025

13 posts


Congratulations to our YHS Music students who represented Yorktown as members of Intermediate All-County this weekend; honor ensembles made up of the best student musicians in the county.

Bravo to freshmen Vincent Cassetta (trombone), James Cross (clarinet) and Tali Lyons (trumpet) on their concert performance with the IAC Concert Band!


Spring will be here before we know it, and so will our fun performances and opportunities! Please mark your calendars.

3/25 (Tues) @6pm     YCSD District Band Festival (Bandapalooza)            

3/28-3/29 (Fri-Sat)     TriTowns Symphony Orchestra Festival at YHS

4/26-27 (Sat-Sun)       Wind Ensemble Festival Trip to Philadelphia

5/17 (Sat)                   YHS Concert Band, Orchestra, and Choir Festival and Trip to Six Flags NJ

5/9-10 (Fri-Sat)          Up-County NYSSMA Solo Festival @ John Jay MS in Katonah

4/28-5/2 (Mon-Fri)     ’25-‘26 Wind Ensemble Auditions

5/13 (Tues) @7pm     YHS Spring Band Concert

5/26 (Mon) @10am   Memorial Day Parade and Annual YHS Band BBQ

6/13 (Fri)                     Jazz Band performs at Relay for Life (Evening)

6/21 (Sat) @ 10am     YHS Graduation performance


On Tuesday, March 25th the YCSD Band Program will host our 10th Annual District Band Concert from 6:00 – 7:00 pm in the YHS Gym.  All band students grades 5-12 will participate. 

Our goal is to create a successful and inspiring experience for our YCSD Band students and their families; fostering positive relationships between all levels, and allowing our youngest Band students and their parents to see the full progression of our Band program.

Parent and student volunteers will be needed to make this event a success. Look for an e-mail in the coming weeks with how you can help.


NYSSMA information was reviewed in class. The NYSSMA (New York State School Music Association) solo festival is a wonderful opportunity for your student to grow as a musician! To participate, students prepare scales (or rudiments for snare drummers), a solo and sight-reading. At the festival, students perform for a judge who will give them a score and comments.

All YHS Band students have begun learning NYSSMA skills as part of their lesson homework. If your student is interested in participating in NYSSMA, or auditioning for Wind Ensemble, they will have the necessary tools to do so.

Additional information and forms are attached. The due date for NYSSMA forms and payments is FRIDAY, 3/21.


In addition to the musical opportunity NYSSMA provides, students are able to receive honors credit for Concert Band or Wind Ensemble by earning a score of 95 or above on a level 6 solo/ensemble, or a score of 97 or above on a level 5 solo/ensemble. 


Auditions for the 2025-2026 Wind Ensemble will take place the last week of April.  Students wishing to audition should review the audition information sheet (attached).  I strongly suggest that interested students also participate in NYSSMA.  The Wind Ensemble audition information sheet/permission slip is attached and is also available in the band room.

*Students currently in the ’24-’25 Wind Ensemble do not need to re-audition.  Please fill out and return the attached form and be sure your guidance counselor adds Wind Ensemble to your class schedule.*