We will be using some of our class time to study your individual NYSSMA Solo. Please pack headphones for the next 5 weeks. Thanks!
Daily Archives: March 17, 2025
Our music and recordings are posted on Dashboard. Happy practicing!
Please join me before school (from 7:10…or whenever you get off the bus… until the first bell) to practice soloing. Help yourself develop your skills, and a plan for success!
Sessions are held period 9, unless noted otherwise. I am also always available for NYSSMA Solo help (or any help!) by appointment.
Monday 3/17 | Percussion, Tank Jazz Combo |
Tuesday 3/18 | Low Brass, Sax, Clarinet |
Wednesday 3/19 | JB Sax, JB Trumpet |
Thursday 3/20 | JB Rhythm, JB Trombone |
Friday 3/21 | Tunisia Jazz Combo |
On Tuesday, March 25th the YCSD Band Program will host our 10th Annual District Band Concert from 6:00 – 7:00 pm in the YHS Gym. All band students in grades 5-12 will participate.
Our goal is to create a successful and inspiring experience for our YCSD band students and their families; fostering positive relationships between all levels, and allowing our youngest band students and their parents to see the full progression of our band program.
Parent and student volunteers will be needed, please, to make this event a success.
Parents, please click this link for how you can help. Volunteers and snack donations are needed.
Students, please see the classroom sign-up sheet. Set up help: 1:30-3:30pm. Clean-up help: 7-8:00pm
· JAZZ BAND be set up and ready to play by 5:30.
· CB & WE arrive by 5:30 – plan ahead, parking will be an issue. Report to your WU room. Be in your seat, warmed up, tuned and ready to play, by 5:50.
When you arrive, please put your cases and belongings in your warm up room. Please respect these classrooms – we are visitors.
CB WU Room: Husker Discovery
WE WU Room: Writing Center
CONCERT ATTIRE: YHS Band Polo, black pants, black socks, black shoes.
BRING: Folding music stand w/your name on it, water, your sports/activity jersey (see below).
Part of our Bandapalooza goal is to educate grade 5-8 students and their families about the many opportunities available at YHS; and that students still have time to participate in band.
If you are a member of a YHS sport or activity (Ex. robotics, science Olympiad, science research, DCo, tech crew, etc) please bring your uniform jersey, jacket, or t-shirt with you to your seat at Bandapalooza. Thank you!
We are looking for a few brave parent chaperones who would be willing to spend the day at Six Flags with our 50 teenagers. If you are up for this experience, please e-mail me!
NYSSMA is a wonderful opportunity for your student to grow as a musician! To participate, students prepare scales (or rudiments for snare drummers), a solo and sight-reading. At the festival, students perform for a judge who will give them a score and comments.
All YHS Band students are learning NYSSMA skills as part of their lesson homework.
Information and forms are attached. The due date for NYSSMA forms and payments is this FRIDAY, 3/21.
Students are able to receive honors credit for Concert Band or Wind Ensemble by earning a score of 95 or above on a level 6 solo, or a score of 97 or above on a level 5 solo.
Flyers are attached for your review and listed below. Some interesting musical opportunities for our students!
· Summer Music Camps
· Jazz Forum – Westchester’s premier Jazz club, located in Tarrytown, NY. Free tickets for students – use the code STFREE at checkout to redeem the tickets at www.jazzforumarts.org/events.