Ms. Kluga’s goal is to create the best band e-learning experience possible – one that is closest to our experience in the classroom.

Sight Reading Factory (SRF) – It has been such a pleasure to hear your musical growth each week! Students have been mastering the ability to play with a metronome, and interpreting rhythms and notes at sight. Please read Ms. Kluga’s written feedback to guide your progress. (Go to the ‘Assignments’ tab and click ‘Review’ next to the assignment).

All students receive a SRF example to complete on M, TU, W, TH.

Acapella App – is the best platform Ms. Kluga has found to allow for musical collaboration. Students are able to rehearse in small groups (of 9 performers or less), using layering. Larger group projects are first recorded in small groups, and then she uses other software to stitch all the parts together.

All students have a small group Acapella project to work on this week.