
1857 posts


Congratulations to our YHS Band students who will represent Yorktown as members of Area All-State this week! 

Bravo to Gillian Grabowski (horn) and Selma Lyons (trumpet)! These students will participate in honor ensembles made up of the best student musicians in Westchester.  Rehearsals begin this Wednesday, with a concert performance in November.


Do you need help practicing your lesson HW assignment? Guided practice sessions are offered weekly and hosted by our junior and senior band members (thank you!). Students who lead or attend a session receive 1 point of extra credit. Sessions are held period 9, unless noted otherwise. I am also always available for help by appointment.

Monday 10/7Flute, Percussion, Clarinet, JB Saxes
Tuesday 10/8 
Wednesday 10/9Low Brass, JB Trumpets, JB Rhythm
Thursday 10/10Trumpet, JB Trombones
Friday 10/11 


Next week, students will experience their first video assessment of the year.  I will film each student individually at their lesson and offer verbal and written feedback. Instructions on how to prepare for this assignment will be reviewed in class, and will be available on Classroom and Dashboard.

This assessment will act as a baseline to help the student and I form a learning plan – what musical concepts they are confident in, and what concepts we will focus on improving.


Please support our 21st annual Citrus Sale! Ordering info was reviewed in class this week, is attached, and is available on Dashboard and Google Classroom. 

Each year, our Band, Choir, and Orchestra ensembles all participate in regional music festivals.  The monies raised from our Citrus Sale help students defray the cost of their personal festival participation. In 2019, our best sale ever, our music students SOLD 1,498 boxes and earned a PROFIT of $21,820.


1.     Monday, November 4th is the on-line order deadline for truck delivery to YHS

2.     Sunday, December 15th is the on-line order deadline for USPS delivery to your home/customers’ homes

**Your orders MUST be entered on-line by the above dates. The grove will not accept late orders.**

3.     Friday, December 13th is FRUIT DELIVERY DAY

Ship to organization pre-orders will be delivered to YHS via truck on Friday, December 13th.  Students are responsible for picking up their entire order and delivering it to their customers. Pick-up hours are 2:30 – 6:30pm at YHS.  Parent and student volunteers will be needed all day (7am-7pm) to help unload and sort our orders. Please save the date!  

Citrus Sale Customer Flyer with QR Codes 24-25.jpg

TAG SALE – Saturday 10/19

Our annual Music Boosters Tag Sale is a fun fundraiser and community building event!  Please save your stuff to donate.  Our sale is Saturday 10/19 from 9am-2pm at YHS.  We will be accepting donations on Friday 10/18 from 2:30-7pm.  Tell your friends and neighbors!  Parent and student volunteers are needed to make this event a success.  Look for an e-mail this week to find out how you can help.