
1704 posts

Musical Opportunities In Our Community

Often, Ms. Kluga receives requests for student musicians for various community events and activities.  Some events offer community service hours, others offer payment.  If you student would be interested in participating in any of the below events, please have them contact me.


1. North Westchester Nursing Home – looking for instrumental ensembles to perform holiday music, anytime this season. $25/hour


2. Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Brielle Furci – looking for instrumental ensembles to perform.  Saturday November 7, 2015 at the Yorktown Firehouse.  4PM-8PM.  Community Service Hours.


3. Yorktown Holiday Lights Parade – looking for band students to perform in the parade. Saturday12/6 6:00pm. Community Service Hours. 

Band Sweatshirts

Each year we order sweatshirts for interested students.  The sweatshirts are sold at cost.  Sweatshirts are $32.95, or $39.95 if your student would like to have their name or instrument written on their sleeve.  Interested students should fill out the attached form and bring in with payment.  PLEASE MAKE CHECKS OUT TO THE YHS MUSIC BOOSTERS.

Citrus Volunteers Needed, Please

We are looking for parent volunteers to help us tally our orders during the school day on Wednesday 10/28, Thursday 10/29 and Friday 10/30 from 7:15-9:00am and from 12:30 – 2:15pm.  If you are able to be a part of these monumental counting sessions, please e-mail Ms. Kluga.  

YHS Wind Ensemble & Brentwood HS Wind Ensemble

The students from Brentwood HS will be visiting our Wind Ensemble on Monday, November 23 from 10:00am – 6:00pm.  We are looking for parent volunteers to assist with the set up and clean up of students meals.  If you are available to help out during the day, please e-mail Ms Kluga. (Lunch set up: 11:30-12:15, Lunch clean up 1:15-1:45.  Dinner set up: 4:15-5:00, Dinner clean up: 5:45-6:30). 

Citrus Sale Ends This Week!

Only a few days left!!  Please help your student do their part and sell 5 boxes.  Help us reach our goal! 


Currently our sales stats are:

CONCERT BAND: Goal is 550 boxes.  (Last year we sold 525 boxes).  To date we have only sold 72 boxes.

WIND ENSEMBLE: Goal is 750 boxes.  (Last year we sold 662 boxes). To date we have only sold 56 boxes.

Most Successful Tag Sale Ever!

After sorting through and organizing mountains of “stuff” Friday afternoon and evening (the donations were truly overwhelming, thank you so much!), we kicked off our sale at 9am Saturday and enjoyed a steady stream of customers throughout the day.  In all we made $4,100 profit (a new record)!  None of this would have been possible without your help and support; many thanks to all who donated items, refreshments, or your valuable time to help make this endeavor a success!


Also, many special thanks to band parents Kathleen Brawitsch, Stephanie Buckhout, Maureen DiPierro, Cindy Scinto, and Lisa. Statler, for their tireless organizational, logistical, and advertising expertise!!  SPECIAL THANKS to Cindy Scinto for her amazing work organizing all of the parent volunteers and working out so many of our logistical and planning details behind the scenes.  SPECIAL THANKS also to Mrs. Statler for working with WHUD to attend and advertise our sale, Kathleen Brawitsch for her work with local businesses to donate food for our volunteers, and Teresa Ryan-Onatzevitch for securing Rita’s Ice to attend.  Please thank these local businesses for their generosity the next time you visit: Jake’s Way Back, JV Hot Bagles II, Turco’s, Yorktown Pizza and Pasta, and Rita’s Ice.  In addition, SPECIAL THANKS to Maureen DiPierro and Lisa Kyer for securing local charities Big Brothers/Sisters, and Purple Heart, to whom we donated all our remaining items.

Horn And Bassoon Day Sunday 11/15

Bard Conservatory is offering a FREE event for student French horn and bassoon players.  The day will feature master classes and workshop led by their outstanding music faculty:


  • Barbara Currie, fourth horn from the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
  • Julia Pilant, assistant horn from the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
  • Marc Goldberg, bassoonist of the NY Woodwind Quintet, and former associate bassoonist of the NY Philharmonic
  • Alex Farkas, certified Alexander Technician, and pianist formerly on faculty at Yale School of Music, the Hartt School, University of Hartford, and Vassar College.


Students are asked to bring instruments and be ready to participate in workshops.  They will have the opportunity to receive individual coaching, feedback on audition pieces or all-state solos and perform with current Bard students and with the faculty in an ensemble performance.


Please see the attached flier for more information.   For a detailed schedule of events, and information on how to register, please visit their website at: http://www.bard.edu/conservatory/events/horn-bassoon/

Concert Band Spring Festival Trip!

Ms. Kluga is also pleased to announce that the YHSCB will travel to Hershey Park on Saturday 5/21 to participate in the Music in the Parks regional festival.  The students will be adjudicated by a panel of college music educators and then enjoy time in Hershey Park.   A tentative itinerary and information will be sent home with your student this week.  The cost of this trip is approximately $140.

Wind Ensemble Spring Festival Trip!

Ms. Kluga is pleased to announce that the YHSWE will travel to NYC the weekend of Saturday 5/14 through Monday 5/16.  During our stay, the students will participate in the Rhythms International Music Festival, where we will be adjudicated by a panel of nationally and internationally recognized music educators, take part in master classes, and an on-stage clinic.  In addition we will have fun touring the city.  A tentative itinerary and info will be sent home with your student this week.  The cost of this trip is approximately $600.

Please Save These Dates!

* The citrus sale ENDS on Friday 10/30 at 11:59PM.  Students are responsible for entering all of their orders on the website (www.fruitorder.com), using their personal account (see info sheet).  After 10/31 at 11:59PM, the website will no longer accept orders.

* Our TONS of citrus will be delivered Friday 12/18.  Students are responsible for picking up their entire order between 2:30 and 7:00pm at YHS.

Citrus Sale

October is fundraising month in the YHS Music Department.  Each year, the YHS Bands and Orchestras each participate in regional music festivals.  Our fundraisers help students defray the cost of their participation in these musical activities. Part of the proceeds will also benefit the YHS Music Boosters “general fund” which is used to cover chaperone costs, provide end of year awards, fund social events, and purchase items that benefit the entire program.


The Citrus Sale is our largest fundraiser!  Last year we sold over 44,920 pounds of citrus and made a PROFIT of over $21,500!  Please help us make this year’s sale even more successful!  Information was distributed and reviewed in class this week.  As the sale benefits everyone, we ask that all band students please sell at least 5 boxes.


Pep Band This Saturday 10/10

Our final regular season performance of the year is this Saturday 10/10, at home vs. Beacon.  ALL band students are invited to attend!


What: Pep Band performance at the Varsity Football game

When: Saturday, 10/10 2015

Report Time: 12:00 PM (game time 1:30)

End Time: approximately 3:30 PM

Where:  YHS Band Room.

Wear: Your YHS Band Polo

Homecoming Thanks!

Thank you so much for your help in making Friday Night’s Homecoming Tail-Gate a success (despite the rain)!  Whether you donated food, hot chocolate, or your time, the band truly appreciate your support!  Special thanks to Mrs. Serafin for organizing our parent volunteers, the DiPierro and Statler families for donating grills (and grilling skills!), and the DeGuglielmo, Pratt, and Warren families for donating rain shelters.


With 70 band members attending, we were a musical force in the stands.  The challenging weather seemed only to intensify our already overflowing Husker Pride! What a wonderful opportunity for all YHS band members 9-12 to have fun together and support our school community.  Thank you again for making this evening possible; it’s these kinds of events that stick in student’s minds and help build a strong and unified band program!

Tag Sale Saturday 10/17

Our 8th Annual YHS Music Boosters Tag Sale will be held on Saturday, October 17, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.  The money generated from this sale benefits every student in our music program; helping to fund our annual festival trips and music dept. events.  Last year we earned over $3,000 and are hoping for an even better sale this year!

We are asking for donations of items to sell (kitchen items, clothing, furniture, DVD’s, books, etc.); what a great opportunity to scour your homes for un-used items and do some autumn cleaning!

A flyer is attached here FYI.  Feel free to share with family/friends or post on work or community bulletin boards.  Parent volunteers will be needed.  In the coming weeks, look for an e-mail from parent-organizer Cindy Scinto ([email protected]) to find out how you can help.