What: Valentine’s Swing Dance Concert
When: Saturday 2/6
Time: Dance Lesson 7-8pm / Music and Dancing 8-10:30pm
Where: YHS Gym
Cost: $10 for adults / $5 for students and seniors. Tickets sold at the door. YHS Band students are free.
- Jazz Band – arrive by 5:30 for our sound check.
- Students interested in participating in the dance lesson – please arrive at 6:30pm.
- Students NOT interested in participating in the dance lesson, please arrive no later than 7:30pm.
Upon arrival ALL STUDENTS should place their instruments/cases/coats/etc in their designated warm up room (Rooms TBA). AT THAT TIME STUDENTS WILL HAVE THEIR HAND STAMPED FOR FREE ENTRANCE INTO THE DANCE.
SWING ERA ATTIRE ENCOURAGED (For both adults and students!)
Get into the “swing” of things and have fun dressing up in 1940’s garb!
In lieu of the usual concert black, Swing Era attire is encouraged! Here are some ideas:
- Usual Concert Attire: Black pants, long sleeved button down black shirt, black shoes, black socks
- AND/OR Swing Additions: fedora hats, suspenders, solid color or pin striped shirts, colorful ties, spats, jackets.
- Usual Concert Attire: Black top (appropriate neck-line, no spaghetti straps or sleeveless tops), black skirt or dress (appropriately below the knee), or black pants.
- AND/OR Swing Additions: Girls are welcome to wear any color 1940’s style dress as long as it has an appropriate neckline, sleeves, and falls below the knee. Other ideas are: swing-y skirts, polka dots, pin-curls, a flower in their hair, seamed stockings, saddle shoes, 1940’s style hat and gloves.
We have many homemade decorations planned for our event and will need lots of help to create them! All students are invited to help:
- After school every day (M-F) this week from 1:30 – 3:00 to help craft our decorations.
- Decorate the gym on Saturday 2/6 from 10:00am – 4:00pm.
- CLEAN UP after the dance from 10:30-11:30pm.
Sign-up sheets for all above dates and times are available in the band room. As always, students will receive extra credit for their extra efforts! Thank you in advance for donating your time to make our event a success for our learning community, and our greater Yorktown Heights community!
Please visit http://donate.yhsbands.com/swingdance to donate a food item, or to help chaperone.
Questions? Please contact (Band Aid Core Helper) Margaret Serafin ([email protected]) or Mrs. Kluga.