
1615 posts


As part of our Swing Dance, we hold a really amazing raffle.  Each year we ask families and local businesses for prize donations, which are then organized into themed baskets.  Are you interested in helping with the raffle?  Here is how:

  1. Each year we have a “grand prize.” For the past bunch of years, a local family very generously donated 4 Knicks tickets – but now that family has graduated and moved on.  Is there anyone in our current YHS Band Family that has a connection that could be used? Some ideas (grand prize, and otherwise) from our raffle committee are:
  2. Tickets to concerts or sporting events
  3. A weekend away at a timeshare
  4. Personal chef for an evening dinner party
  5. College essay help / tutoring help
  6. Any other business offering or idea

  1. If you do have a business contact that would be willing to support our event, a letter is attached (on official YHS Band letterhead) outlining the donation process.

  1. Do you have wicker gift baskets you are not using?  Our raffle committee would love to use them!  They will fill and wrap the baskets with prize items.  Please send baskets into school by Friday 2/2.


We have many homemade decorations planned for our event and will need lots of help to create them!  All students are invited:

  1. To help decorate the gym on Saturday 2/10 from 9:00am – 4:00pm.
  2. To CLEAN UP from 10:30-11:30pm.


On Monday, February 26th, the YCSD Band Program will hold its 5th Annual Town-Wide Band Concert (a.k.a. BANDAPALOOZA!) in the YHS Gym.  All band students grades 5-12 will participate.  This is a wonderful experience for all of our students – fostering positive relationships between all levels, and allowing our youngest band students and parents to see the full progression of our band program.

As in years past, due to fire codes and the possibility of exceeding the maximum gym capacity, we ask that YHS band parents and families please not attend this concert as audience members.  Ms. Kluga apologizes for this and thank you for your understanding.  (If it is any consolation, the YHS Concert Band and Wind Ensemble students will each be performing a selection that you will already have heard at our Swing Dance).  However, we do need parent volunteers.  If you are interested in helping us achieve this intensely logistical feat, we would love your help!  Please e-mail Ms. Kluga.


Our unit on the music of the Swing Era is a quick 6 weeks. Professional recordings of the weekly lesson homework assignments are posted on the YHS Band Dashboard to guide at home practice.  Extra help sessions are available weekly after school.  Students should see Ms. Kluga for an appointment. Ms. Kluga’s goal is for all students to experience success – please let Ms. Kluga know how she can help.


We are almost ready to post our Winter Concert recordings.  Ms. Kluga is still hopeful that someone has a recording (video or audio) of:

Sparks (Concert Band’s 2nd song)

Jazz Christmas Medley (Saxophone Ensemble #2)

Chanukah Festival Overture (the CB&WE combined ensemble’s 1st song)

If you do, please send it to Ms. Kluga!  Ms. Kluga feels terrible that we encountered a technical glitch and are missing these songs – she would like to post a complete concert recording with all ensembles represented, for all to enjoy.


Our next concert performance is Saturday 2/10/18 at 7:00, in the YHS GYM.  This is our 10th annual Swing Dance and Concert (unbelievable that this is #10!).  All YHS Band students are required to attend.  It is both a concert, and a dance, and everyone is invited!  (Yes, parents, you are invited!  Don’t let your student tell you otherwise J).  This is a well-attended and fun evening for our entire Yorktown community (last year we had over 300 audience members ages 2 – 92!).

A flyer is attached.

INFO: On Saturday 2/10 at 7:00pm the YHS Gym will be transformed into a 1940’s Night Club, complete with bandstand, dance-floor, linen-clad tables and as much Valentine’s Day ambience as we can muster.  The YHS Concert Band, Jazz Band, and Wind Ensemble will perform Swing Era music for your dancing and listening pleasure!  Light refreshments will be served. Swing Era attire encouraged.  Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for non-band students and senior citizens.  The evening will begin at 7:00 with a one-hour swing dance lesson by a professional dance studio.  Live music (provided by your students!) and dancing 8-10:30pm.


Congratulations and Bravo to all YHS Band students on a beautiful performance at Wednesday’s Winter Concert!  Mrs Kluga is very proud of you all, both for your musicality and for working together to ensure our concert logistics went smoothly!

And, many thanks to the band parents who donated food items, or their time, to create our post-concert celebration.  Special thanks to Mrs. Serafin for coordinating the on-line donations.  What a special evening for our learning community!


Our newsletter is created by band students, to give our learning community an overview of the band events (so far) from our year together. Many, many thanks to all students who contributed articles, and especially to Senior Kaitlyn Nuebel for her hard work managing the layout and editing!  The newsletter is beautiful and is attached, in case you were not able to secure a copy at the concert.  Enjoy!


Was a great success!  Using a portion of the profit from this year’s Citrus Sale, we purchased over $200 worth of warm clothing, toiletries, toys and treats for our second grader, Ayden.   Thank you so much as well to the families who sent in extra gifts! The students and Mrs Kluga are so happy that we have this opportunity to give back.


All students are required to pick up their ENTIRE order in the YHS Band Room between the hours of 2:30 and 6:30pm.  See you then!

Thank you in advance to our many parent volunteers, and to those donating food items throughout the day.  Your help is so appreciated and so integral to the success of this very logistically intense event.  Special thanks to band parents Adriana Beaudreault and Teresa Ryan-Onatzevitch for organizing the parent volunteers and food donations!