The West Point Band will join forces with the Westchester Symphonic Winds to present two concerts – Saturday, March 9 at West Point, and Saturday, March 16 at White Plains HS. Both concerts are at 2 PM (and are free!). Click this link for more information.
We have a large blue and white cooler left over from the Swing Dance Concert. Is it yours? Thank you for lending it to us!
Here we are in the final week of February…but spring will be here before we know it, and so will our fun performances and opportunities! Please mark your calendars.
3/27 (Wed) @ 6pm YCSD District Band Festival (Bandapalooza)
4/23-4/26 (Tues-Fri) ’24-‘25 Wind Ensemble Auditions
4/26-27 (Fri-Sat) Up-County NYSSMA Solo Festival @ Chappaqua HS
5/3-5 (Fri pm-Sun) Wind Ensemble Festival Trip to Ithaca College
5/11 (Sat) YHS Music Dept Festival trip to Six Flags Great Adventure
5/14 (Tues) @ 7pm YHS Spring Band Concert
5/27 (Mon) Memorial Day Parade and Annual YHS Band BBQ
5/31-6/1 (Fri-Sat) NYSSMA Piano Festival at Ardsley
6/14 (Fri) Jazz Band performs at Relay for Life
On Wednesday, March 27th the YCSD Band Program will host our 9th Annual District Band Concert from 6:00 – 7:00 pm in the YHS Gym. All band students grades 5-12 will participate.
Our goal is to create a successful and inspiring experience for our YCSD band students and their families; fostering positive relationships between all levels, and allowing our youngest band students and their parents to see the full progression of our band program.
Parent and student volunteers will be needed to make this event a success. Look for an e-mail in the coming weeks with how you can help.
Jazz Band students – please talk to your section and schedule a p.9 meeting for this week. Communicate with me as to your chosen day and time. I’m looking forward to working with you on our new music!
Our NEW music, recordings, and the HW assignment are posted on Dashboard. Our rehearsal is this Thursday 2/29 from 6:50-8:30pm. Happy practicing!
Please join me before school (from 7:10…or whenever you get off the bus… until the first bell) to practice soloing. Help yourself develop your skills, and a plan for success!
Final itinerary details and pricing will be communicated this week.
Final pricing is in the works. We are looking for parent chaperones to spend the day with us! If you are interested, please e-mail me.
NYSSMA information was reviewed in class this week. The NYSSMA (New York State School Music Association) solo festival is a wonderful opportunity for your student to grow as a musician! To participate, students prepare scales (or rudiments for snare drummers), a solo and sight-reading. At the festival, students perform for a judge who will give them a score and comments.
This week, all YHS Band students will begin learning NYSSMA skills as part of their lesson homework; so if they are interested in participating in NYSSMA, or auditioning for Wind Ensemble, they will have the necessary tools to do so.
Additional information and forms are attached. The due date for NYSSMA forms and payments has been extended to THIS FRIDAY, MARCH 1st.
In addition to the musical opportunity NYSSMA provides, students are able to receive honors credit for Concert Band or Wind Ensemble by earning a score of 95 or above on a level 6 solo/ensemble, or a score of 97 or above on a level 5 solo/ensemble.
Auditions for the 2024-2025 Wind Ensemble will take place at the end of April. Students wishing to audition should review the audition information sheet (attached). I strongly suggest that interested students also participate in NYSSMA. The Wind Ensemble audition information sheet/permission slip is attached and is also available in the band room.
Attached is a list of excellent local and regional summer music camp opportunities. Happy to answer any questions!
Can’t get enough of learning how to Swing Dance? The Dance Conservatory (located in Cortlandt Manor – the instructors who taught the lesson at our Swing Dance Concert) offers weekly classes. Sign up as an individual or a pair. A 10% discount is being offered to YHS Band families. Click here for the registration link. The discount code is: YHSSWINGBAND.