
1852 posts


Usually the start of our year together is full of social activities like the Ice Cream Social, many Pep Band performances, and the Tag Sale.

Our annual apple picking trip to Wilken’s has also been a YHS Band tradition for over a decade.  Because Wilken’s is outside, and families can observe social distancing and wear masks, this is still a viable event.

For those interested/comfortable, Ms. Kluga will be at Wilken’s with her family this Sunday at 10am. If your student, and an adult chaperone, would like to join me – we will meet at the large haybale stack just outside the bakery.

All social distancing and masking rules are required – if you plan to attend, please review Wilken’s COVID-19 protocols here: http://wilkensfarm.com/

Students must be accompanied by an adult chaperone. Everyone is responsible for paying for their own picking.  Please RSVP by filling out this Google Form.  

If this is something that is comfortable for your family, Ms. Kluga would love to spend a few hours with you!


By registering on our website, each student will also gain access to their personalized YHS Band Dashboard.  This is our main information platform where students can find a variety of tools to help them be successful, including: a list of posted homework assignments, homework documents, practice aids specific to their instrument, professional recordings of our music, class documents, lesson calendars, and more.  This truly awesome service was built by our head webmaster, Joe Menduni (YHS Band, Class of 2014). Thank you, Joe!


In the handbook, please find the list of musical accessories your student will need to be successful in band. Please have your student bring these accessories to their band lesson next week. All students will need a pencil in class every day.


Parents, Ms. Kluga will miss seeing and meeting you all in person for our annual Back to School Night! Instead, please take 5 minutes to watch this video overview of what your student’s experience in band will look this year. Handouts are also attached.


The First Nighters is a parent group whose mission is to support our YCSD Performing Arts programs. Each year they invite parents to help their cause. Some of their initiatives include:

§     Advocating for and supporting the arts programs in all schools.

§     Purchasing supplies for the arts programs in all schools.

§     Providing yearly scholarships to outstanding seniors.

§     Honoring all Performing Arts seniors

The First Nighters annual information letter is attached.  Please consider becoming a sponsor.