
1852 posts


Congratulations to our awesome class of 2020 band students! It has been an honor to be your teacher for four years – Ms. Kluga’s love and best wishes to all as you begin your next adventures in life!


What a wonderful celebration of our seniors! Thank you to the students and families who were able to attend our virtual performance and sharing session. It was heart-warming to see so many alumni faces on the call, and hear their advice and good wishes for our class of 2020!

View the video on the YHS Band YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqNcQ2ZVVdA

Thank you to our YHS Alumni team for their creativity, planning, and hours of work editing the audio and video aspects of the presentation: Abby Ferri (’16), Maddy Ferri (’18), Katie McKeown (’15), and Kaitlyn Nuebel (‘18).

Thank you to our YHS Senior team for their help: Kristen Ferguson, Abbey Milhaven, Connor Townes, Christian Varela, and Jack-Henry Whalen.

Special shout-out of thanks to Abbey Milhaven for being the mastermind behind this idea back in October! Thank you for your vision of bringing together our extended Band Family, and for realizing that this event could take on a new form and become another sliver-lining of our distance learning experience.


Looking ahead to next school year, please save the date for YHS Band Ice Cream Social #19. Whether it will be a virtual experience, or socially-distanced in person, we look forward to welcoming our freshmen and welcoming back our returning band students! Ice Cream Social 2020 is scheduled for Wednesday 9/2, 6-8pm.


If you are a graduating senior, or if you are not returning to our program next year, please consider donating your band polo.  There is a drop-off bin by the band room door – please drop off your polos when you return your materials.


Sincere thanks to this wonderful parent organization for all you have done to support the Performing Arts for our students!!  And especially for sponsoring and tweeting the beautiful Senior Spotlight portraits, using the talents of local photographer Bob Caster (thank you Mr. Castner!).

If you are interested in volunteering with the First Nighters, please let Ms. Kluga know and she will forward them your information.


Reimbursements for our Disney Festival and Six Flags Festival are still in process. Ms. Kluga will continue to keep you posted as more information is available. Thank you for your patience, we understand this is a frustrating situation.


Pomp and Circumstance – A collaborative virtual project with our Wind Ensemble and Orchestra students, the attached recording will be used at this Saturday’s YHS Graduation Ceremony. Congratulations to our music students on another successful virtual ensemble project! Thank you for your time and talents in support of our seniors! Mp3 is attached in the weekly email for you to enjoy!

When I’m 64 – Ms. Kluga’s brass quintet from undergrad at Ithaca College. They met at the freshman orientation Ice Cream Social (sound familiar?), decided to form a BQ and performed together throughout their years at IC. They called ourselves the “Barefoot Brass” because we performed without shoes (to show off our crazy socks).



Tuesday – 6/16 – Band Yearbook pick up. Details below.

Wednesday – 6/17 at 3PM – Band Snack Time. Zoom details below.

Thursday – 6/18 at 7PM – Full-Band Family Zoom meeting to view our senior/alumni virtual ensemble presentation. More info below. Zoom details TBA.


Ms. Kluga will be at YHS between 9am-12pm tomorrow, Tuesday, 6/16. If you are able to stop by to pick up your student’s book, and drop off a check, please e-mail me with the time you will be arriving. Do not get out of your car. She will meet you curbside by the Band Room driveway. If you are not able to meet, please e-mail her and we can figure out a different arrangement.

If you have not yet reserved a book, please sign up on this Google form https://forms.gle/VbVQGfoG2q94s7UU9. The cost is $30 each (checks made payable to the YHS Music Boosters).