Please join us on Thursday 6/18 at 7:00pm via Zoom to view our Senior/Alumni ensemble virtual performance of “You’ll Be In My Heart.” All current YHS Band families and our extended alumni family are invited, and there will be a chance for social time after the performance. Ms. Kluga so looks forward to honoring our seniors one final time! Zoom information will be sent out the day of the event.
Looking ahead to next school year, please save the date for YHS Band Ice Cream Social #19. Whether it will be a virtual experience, or socially-distanced in person, we look forward to welcoming our freshmen and welcoming back our returning band students! Ice Cream Social 2020 is scheduled for Wednesday 9/2, 6-8pm.
If you are a graduating senior, or if you are not returning to our program next year, please consider donating your band polo. Ms. Kluga will put a drop-off bin in the band hallway. Seniors, you can drop off your polo when you return school materials next week. Underclassmen, you can drop off when you are invited to return your materials.
Reimbursements for our Disney Festival and Six Flags Festival are moving along slowly. Our district is working with the vendors and Ms. Kluga will continue to keep you posted as more information is available. Thank you for your patience, we understand this is a frustrating situation.
Ms. Kluga is excited to share that the audio version of our virtual of God Bless America project will be used in our YHS Virtual Graduation Ceremony! And, our version of Pomp and Circumstance (a collaborative project with our Wind Ensemble and Orchestra students) will be completed this week and used as the music behind the “Graduation for One” video montage.
This continues our Music Department’s annual tradition of providing music for our graduation ceremony; Ms. Kluga is so happy that our music students can continue to support our seniors!
Sun 6/14 at 3PM – YCSD Neighborhood Jam (details below)
Wed 6/17 at 3PM – Band Snack Time. Zoom details TBA.
Thurs 6/18 at 7PM – Full-Band Family Zoom meeting to view our senior/alumni virtual ensemble presentation. More info below. Zoom details TBA.
Thursday’s full band zoom meeting was a wonderful tribute to our seniors! Thank you to our underclassmen for delivering such kind words and fun paper plate awards. For a group of students who have had so much taken away from them, you gave our YHS Band seniors a feeling of pride, and a glimpse into the positive influences they have had on our program and the people in it. The smiles on their faces were SO wonderful to see!
Thank you again to Abbie Ellison (current CB President and Webmaster) and Trevor Griffiths (WE Vice President 20-21) for their time organizing these awards!
Congratulations to Kayla Howell on being elected to the position of Band Librarian, we are excited to welcome you to our leadership team! Thank you to Raka Bose, Sarah Sachs, and Chinmay Satpute for their interest in being a part of our Band Executive Board. Again, as a reminder for everyone, you don’t need a title to be a leader.
Fill your neighborhood with music! Choose a piece to perform from your porch or front lawn. Participation is not mandatory, this is just meant to be a fun activity for you, your family, and your neighbors.
Please join us on Thursday 6/18 at 7:00pm via Zoom to view our Senior/Alumni ensemble virtual performance of “You’ll Be In My Heart.” All current YHS Band families and our extended alumni family are invited, and there will be a chance for social time after the performance. Ms. Kluga so looks forward to honoring our seniors one final time!
If you would like to reserve a book, please sign up on this Google form The cost is $30 each (checks made payable to the YHS Music Boosters). This is not a fundraiser; the books are sold at cost. Ms. Kluga will figure out a way to collect checks and distribute the books, TBA.
Today our YHS Band seniors found some special treats inside their Senior Breakfast “Grad Bags.”
Sincere thanks to the Racioppo Family for gifting each Wind Ensemble student a commemorative Disney Festival water bottle. Although our trip couldn’t happen, the water bottles will serve as a fun memento from our time together. Returning WE students will receive their water bottles when we meet again. Thank you, Racioppo Family, for your kindness and generosity!
Many thanks to the YHS Band Alumni Association for creating keepsake Mason Jars for each of our seniors. The jars contain well wishes and advice from about 20 YHS Band alumni, candy, and an invitation to “keep the Band Family feeling alive” by joining our newly formed Alumni Association.