
1852 posts


·      Sunday 6/7: Wind Ensemble Pomp and Circumstance recordings due

·      Thursday 6/11 at 1:00 – Full-Band Zoom meeting to honor our seniors with paper plate awards. 

·      Friday 6/12 – Seniors return your YHS-owned instruments during Senior Day.

·      Week of 6/15 TBA – Full-Band Family Zoom meeting to view our senior/alumni virtual ensemble presentation. 


Each year the underclassmen make small awards to present to our seniors. Awards will be distributed virtually Thursday 6/11 at 1:00 during our Full Band Zoom.

Underclassmen: if there are senior band students that you would like to honor, please see the e-mail from Abbie Ellison and Trevor Griffiths on how you can participate. All awards must be in good taste and appropriate for a school setting.


Seniors – if you have a YHS-owned instrument (it will say it on the case), please return your instrument to school on June 12th, when you report to pick up your cap and gown.

Underclassmen – if you have a YHS-owned instrument, you will keep it for the summer.

All Students – if you have a rental instrument from an outside rental company (Music and Arts, Ardsley, etc) – please contact the company to either extend your contract, or schedule a time to drop off the instrument to their location. We cannot collect these instruments at YHS.


The results are in! Many thanks to all of our candidates for their interest in being a part of our leadership team!

And, because not everyone can win an election, I’d like to remind you of one of my favorite sayings:

“You do not need a title to be a leader.”

Drum roll, please… Our YHS Band Officers for 2020-2021 are:

Concert Band President – Miranda O’Sullivan

Wind Ensemble President – Mark Racioppo

Wind Ensemble VP – Trevor Griffiths

Treasurer – Aniyah Seals

Librarian – Anthony Rizzo

Band Webmasters – Michael Benvenga, Abbie Ellison, Alex Olener

Congratulations to these students – Ms. Kluga looks forward to working with you!

We are still accepting applications for CB Vice President, and Band Librarian. Applications are attached. Interested students please return the application to Ms. Kluga by this Monday 6/8. Questions? Contact her.

To our AWESOME 2019-2020 YHS Band Officer team – THANK YOU for your time, dedication and leadership! It has been a pleasure to work with you all!! You have made a positive difference in our band program!

ASSIGNMENTS for 6/1 – 6/5:

·      Pomp and Circumstance Audio Recording Project. This project is for current 2019-2020 Wind Ensemble students only (including our seniors!). Zoom lessons this week. More info below.

·      Band Officer interviews (via Zoom) for all applicants Tuesday 6/2 from 1:30-2:30.

·      Full Band Zoom meeting this Thursday 6/4 at 1:00pm.

·      If you are planning to continue in Concert Band or Wind Ensemble next year, please double check with your guidance counselor that it is in your schedule.

·      Looking ahead:

o   Full-Band Zoom meeting to honor our seniors with paper plate awards on Thursday 6/11 at 1:00. Underclassmen read on below to see how you can help participate.

o   Full-Band Family Zoom meeting one evening the week of 6/15 to view our senior/alumni virtual ensemble presentation. More info below. Date TBA.


As per YHS tradition, our 2019-2020 Wind Ensemble and Orchestra students are invited to honor our seniors by providing music for their graduation. We are thrilled to be able to continue with this tradition virtually!

Wind Ensemble students (including seniors), please see the attached document which outlines this recording AUDIO ONLY project. And, SENIORS, you have the very unique opportunity of being able to take part! Thank you all for your help honoring our awesome class of 2020!

Please attend your zoom lesson this week:

·      Tuesday 6/2 @10am: Flute/Clarinet

·      Wednesday 6/3 @ 10am: Trombone/Tuba/Euph/Tenor Sax/Bari Sax/Bassoon/Bass Clarinet

·      Thursday 6/4 @12pm: Trumpet/Alto Sax/Horn

·      Friday 6/5 @8am: Percussion

Please e-mail Ms. Kluga your audio file by this Sunday 6/7. We will compile this project to be used in the virtual graduation ceremony at YHS.


In addition to our band students listed last week, Ms. Kluga would also like to recognize and thank Noah Anderson, Shane Gannon, Alicia Menduni and alumni Joe Menduni for participating in the national sounding of Taps. So proud of you all!


Seniors – if you have a YHS-owned instrument (it will say it on the case), please return your instrument to school on June 12th, when you report to pick up your cap and gown.

Underclassmen – if you have a YHS-owned instrument, you will keep it for the summer.

All Students – if you have a rental instrument from an outside rental company (Music and Arts, Ardsley, etc) – please contact the company to either extend your contract, or schedule a time to drop off the instrument to their location. We cannot collect these instruments at YHS.


Will be starting this week. Be on the look for an e-mail from the First Nighters with your scheduled time. Please wear concert black for your photo, hold your instrument, and wear your senior pin. If you would like Ms. Kluga to deliver your senior pin to your home, please e-mail her.


We have a variety of special events in the works to honor our YHS Band seniors and our year together!

SENIOR PAPER PLATE AWARDS – each year the underclassmen make small awards to present to our seniors. Awards will be distributed virtually Thursday 6/11 at 1:00 during our Full Band Zoom.

Underclassmen: if there are senior band students that you would like to honor, look for an e-mail from Abbie Ellison and Trevor Griffiths on how you can participate. All awards must be in good taste and appropriate for a school setting.

SENIOR/ALUMNI VIRTUAL ENSEMBLE – Our YHS Band seniors are teaming up with the YHS Band Alumni Association to create a special virtual ensemble project, which will be presented to our YHS Band Family one evening the week of 6/15 via Zoom. Date TBA.

This project has actually been in the works since October! Originally designed by YHS Band senior Abbey Milhaven as a top-secret collaboration to be revealed as a live performance at our spring band concert (Note: It was also secret from me!), now due to the circumstances, her plans needed to be made public.  But, we are excited to move forward with the project in its new form – the silver lining being that a virtual ensemble allows even more alumni to participate! Please join us to celebrate our seniors, and our program.


Our books have been ordered, and will be delivered the week of June 22nd.  If your student is interested in purchasing a book, please sign up on this Google form https://forms.gle/VbVQGfoG2q94s7UU9. The Band Yearbook is created by our Band Officers, is professionally printed, and contains photos and captions of our many band events. The cost is $30 each.   This is not a fundraiser; the books are sold at cost. For students that ordered books, we will figure out a distribution/money collection date later this month.

ASSIGNMENTS for 5/25 – 5/29:

·      Officer Applications for 2020-2021 are attached for interested students.

·      If you are planning to continue in Concert Band or Wind Ensemble next year, please double check with your guidance counselor that it is in your schedule.

·      Looking ahead, we will have a full band zoom meeting on Thursday 6/4 at 1:00pm. Please mark your calendar.