
1852 posts


Many thanks to our trumpet students Brian Beaudreault, Michael Benvenga, Dominick Fortuna, and Trevor Griffiths for participating in today’s national sounding of Taps. A photo is attached. So proud of you!

Interestingly, did you know that trumpets (bugles) were integral to the success of military battles? Back before the advent of technology every military unit had a bugler, and the job held a huge responsibility.  Because the trumpet is directional, and can project sound a good distance, buglers were used to command the troops, both on and off the battlefield.  The bugler needed to memorize different fanfares so he could quickly disseminate information; attack, retreat, time to eat, time to wake-up (Reveille) time to sleep (Taps), and more.

For additional information on bugle calls and their history, visit the sites below.



Also interestingly, today Ms. Kluga’s family visited a cemetery near their home in Shrub Oak – to pay respects to the veterans buried there. We were honored to find the grave of Charles F. Hendee, a bugler with the First Independent Battery, Connecticut Light Artillery during the Civil War. It was such a large honor and responsibility to be a bugler that this title was engraved for the ages on his headstone. A photo is attached.

Taps Across America 2020 Collage.png
Taps Across America Bugler Grave.jpg


Ms. Kluga is so proud of our students for creating this musical distance-learning experience. Although virtual performances will never replace the educational value and magic of live music, she’s so happy we could put something together to honor the significance of this day in our community.  The video is in this week’s email. Please enjoy.

Thank you to local veteran Pat McDonough and the Yorktown American Legion for providing the photos and information about our local war memorials contained in our project.


In an effort to honor Memorial Day in a socially-distanced way, please consider participating in this National experience.

At 3:00pm on Memorial Day, trumpet players and instrumentalists of all types are invited to step outside their homes and perform Taps for their neighborhood. More details and a link to the music can be found below. If you participate, Ms. Kluga would love to see a photo of you or hear your video. She plans to play Taps from her driveway. Her sister, who is a trumpet player in the Air Force, will be playing Taps from where she is stationed in Illinois.

Details: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-to-participate-in-steve-hartmans-taps-across-america/

Music: https://tapsbugler.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/TAPS-MUSIC.jpg

FYI: Trumpet players – if the music is too high for you Taps can be played using any valve combination for all notes (like a lip slur). Try starting on low D (1+3) and using that fingering for all the notes.


ASSIGNMENTS for 5/18 – 5/22:

·      Video: Taps – Stories Behind the Soundhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-zEvRCNJd0

Please take 12 minutes to watch this video about the significance of Taps – featuring the buglers at West Point.

·      God Bless America Project – we will use this week to put the project together.

o   Ms. Kluga will contact you if you need to fix your recording.

o   If you have not yet attended a zoom lesson to learn the music, contact me. Once you have attended your lesson, Ms. Kluga will send you your project link.

o   Information on the project is below.

·      No Sight Reading Factory assignments this week.


If you did not attend this week’s zoom lesson, please contact Ms. Kluga to schedule a make-up. Specific help is listed below:

·      Percussion: ***TIME CHANGE**** Please meet Ms. Kluga for a lesson make-up on Monday 5/18 at 12pm**** She will send you the zoom link on Monday morning. She apologizes for having to move the time.


If you attended your zoom lesson, Ms. Kluga has sent you a link to start your project. The link already contains recordings from some of our seniors, so you can hear how your part fits. Click on the link to record your part.

Before you record, please read the project directions again – to make sure you understand the steps (they are attached if you need them). Then, click the link Ms. Kluga sent you. You can listen to the senior’s recording first, as you read along with your sheet music, to hear how your part fits. When you are ready, select a square in the project, and record your part.


Many thanks to our very dedicated YHS Band Officers for hosting a weekly band social event! This week, please join the Officers on Wednesday 5/20 at 3:00pm for band snack time. Because, even in quarantine, Band = Food. This week’s event is hosted by senior and WE President, Connor Townes.  Info below:

Topic: Band Snack Time
Time: May 20, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 5985 8813
Password: 0UwqGR


As you know, one of the pillars of our distance learning has been the Acapella app. Earlier this month, all students experienced using this platform to create small ensembles.  Below are two student ensembles for your enjoyment 🙂

1.     WE Percussion Ensemble – Quadradic Equation by Chris Crockarell


2.     WE Clarinet Choir – Caprice for Clarinets by Clare Grundman
