
1852 posts


The shoe fundraising truck will arrive this Wednesday, and we are hoping for a few last-minute donations! Our goal was 100 bags of gently used and new shoes, and we currently have 65. Please send in your shoes – thanks for any additional help you can give!


A reminder to be aware of our tight rehearsal schedule. As discussed before break, the expectation is that you will make time to practice. Recordings are available on your Dashboard. Make an appointment with me early this week if you need help learning your music. Ms. Kluga is looking forward to rehearsing with you this Thursday!

Rehearsals: Thursdays 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30. (7:20 – 9:00).


Many, many thanks to our army of parent and student volunteers who helped make our December citrus delivery day run so smoothly! Whether you donated snacks, or your valuable time, it takes our collective herculean effort to organize and distribute all 1,400+ boxes. Thank you all so much!

Extra special thanks to the band dads who donated their time and labor unloading the truck, to the many of you who spent so much of your day with us, and especially Mrs. Karen Menduni for masterfully organizing the parent volunteers and food donations, and to Mrs. Adriana Beaudreault for securing amazing food donations from our local businesses (and bringing yummy hot dishes from her home as well!).  We had both an abundance of help and food! And, more thanks to Mrs. Beaudreault, Mrs. Laura Lee Milhaven, and Mr. and Mrs. Townes for donating their day to ensure that our logistics ran smoothly!


Please help us reach our goal of 100 bags of 25 pairs per bag (we have 40 bags so far). A good time to drop off shoes is when you arrive to pick up your citrus order! We also have a collection box in the front lobby of YHS. Thank you! Additional information is attached. Please share with your friends!


Our next concert performance is Saturday 2/8/20 at 7:00, in the YHS GYM.  This is our 12th annual Swing Dance and Concert.  All YHS Band students are required to attend.  It is both a concert, and a dance, and everyone is invited!  (Yes, parents, you are invited!  Don’t let your student tell you otherwise J).  This is an eagerly anticipated, well-attended and fun evening for our entire Yorktown community (each year we have many senior citizens and community members attend and enjoy the evening with us!).  More details to follow.


All students are required to pick up their ENTIRE order in the YHS Band Room between the hours of 2:30 and 6:30pm.  See you then!

Thank you in advance to our many parent volunteers, and to those donating food items throughout the day.  Your help is so appreciated and so integral to the success of this very logistically intense event!  Special thanks to band parents Adriana Beaudreault, Laura Lee Milhaven, and Karen Menduni for organizing the parent volunteers and food donations!


Our next concert performance is Saturday 2/8/20 at 7:00, in the YHS GYM.  This is our 12th annual Swing Dance and Concert.  All YHS Band students are required to attend.  It is both a concert, and a dance, and everyone is invited!  (Yes, parents, you are invited!  Don’t let your student tell you otherwise J).  This is an eagerly anticipated, well-attended and fun evening for our entire Yorktown community (each year we have many senior citizens and community members attend and enjoy the evening with us!).  More details to follow. A flyer is attached.


Similar to NYSSMA, YHS Jazz Band students are eligible to audition for our Westchester All County Jazz Band.  Being selected is an elite musical honor and a fantastic opportunity to perform with some of Westchester’s most talented student jazz musicians!  Interested students should prepare a jazz NYSSMA solo, fill out an application and attend the audition.   You do not need to improvise to audition. The audition date is Saturday 1/11/20 Details are attached. See Ms. Kluga for an application. Applications are DUE to me by Friday, 12/13.