Students can access their on-line sales by visiting and entering their six-digit personal ID#, which was distributed in class.
If you are interested in purchasing a box to donate, please make your purchase and e-mail Ms. Kluga the information. YHS Band parent Karen Menduni will be helping organize and deliver these donated boxes.
The links below will take you directly to our ensemble sale sites. To receive credit, customers can then select your student’s name from a drop-down menu during checkout.
Concert Band
Wind Ensemble
* The citrus sale ENDS on Thurs. 10/31. All forms and orders are due in class on Thursday 10/31.
* Our TONS of citrus will be delivered Mon. 12/16. Your student is responsible for picking up their entire order between 2:30 and 7:00pm at YHS.
A reminder regarding our spring festival trip dates (which were outlined in the YHS Band Handbook back in September). Please make sure they are included on your family calendar.
CONCERT BAND: our festival trip to Six Flags Great Adventure is SAT. 5/9, 2020. 5am-10pm. Festival cost is approximately $190 per student. Chaperones needed – please e-mail Ms. Kluga if you are interested. Details to follow.
WIND ENSEMBLE: our festival trip to Disney World is THURS 4/16 – MON 4/20, 2020. More details to follow.
As always, thank you for your support and please contact Ms. Kluga with any questions
Support our Huskers in their first play-off game! A sign-up sheet is available in the band room. **FYI This game overlaps with part of our Tag Sale set-up**
What: Pep Band performance at our YHS home varsity football game
When: Friday, October 18th. Be at the band room by 6:00 (game 7:00-9:30)
Wear: Your YHS Band polo shirt. If you think you will be chilly, please wear a long-sleeved turtleneck/t-shirt under the polo. If you still think you’ll be cold, bring a coat/sweatshirt/gloves.
Each year, the YHS Bands, Choirs and Orchestras each participate in regional music festivals. Our fundraisers help students defray the cost of their participation, and part of the proceeds also benefit the YHS Music Boosters “general fund” which is used to help purchase items that benefit our entire program.
This is a fun community event and fundraiser for our YHS Music Dept! Please consider donating your gently used items, and your time J
Donation drop-off is THIS FRIDAY 10/18 from 2:30–7:00pm, YHS Band Room. We are asking for donations of gently used items to sell. It would be helpful if you could please bring donations pre-sorted by type of item. (Ex. all kitchen items in one box, all clothing in one bag).
Volunteers needed! And, baked goods are needed to stock our bake sale table. Parents, please see the e-mail from parent-organizer Karen Menduni ([email protected]) to see how you can help. **Please check your spam folder.**
Sign up via this link:
Student volunteers are also needed especially Saturday 1-3pm. Students are also encouraged to bake items for our bake sale table. There are student sign-up sheets in the band room.
A flyer is attached FYI.
All left-over items will be donated to the Purple Heart Association via the GreenDrop organization. A flyer with more information on Green Drop is attached.
Like Girl Scout cookies, this sale is based on pre-orders. Forms and information are available in the Band Room. The Citrus Sale is our largest fundraiser! Last year we sold over 1,580 boxes of citrus fruit and made a PROFIT of over $20,000! Please help us make this year’s sale even more successful! As the sale benefits everyone, we ask that all band students please sell at least 5 boxes.
Students can access their on-line sales by visiting and entering their six-digit personal ID#, which was distributed in class.
If you are interested in purchasing a box to donate, please make your purchase and e-mail Ms. Kluga the information. YHS Band parent Karen Menduni will be helping organize and deliver these donated boxes.
The links below will take you directly to our ensemble sale sites. To receive credit, customers can then select your student’s name from a drop-down menu during checkout.
Concert Band
Wind Ensemble
* The citrus sale ENDS on Thurs. 10/31. All forms and orders are due in class on Thursday 10/31.
* Our TONS of citrus will be delivered Mon. 12/16. Your student is responsible for picking up their entire order between 2:30 and 7:00pm at YHS.
A reminder regarding our spring festival trip dates (which were outlined in the YHS Band Handbook back in September). Please make sure they are included on your family calendar.
CONCERT BAND: our festival trip to Six Flags Great Adventure is SAT. 5/9, 2020. 5am-10pm. Festival cost is approximately $190 per student. Chaperones needed – please e-mail Ms. Kluga if you are interested. Details to follow.
WIND ENSEMBLE: our festival trip to Disney World is THURS 4/16 – MON 4/20, 2020. More details to follow.
Thank you to the stalwart group of 35 students who helped cheer on our Huskers Friday evening, despite the chilly temps. Hot or cold, win or lose, Pep Band is always honored to support our team!