
1852 posts


One of our first fundraisers of the year is the annual Music Boosters Tag Sale.  This is a reminder to please save your stuff to donate!!  The sale will take place in the YHS Cafeteria on Saturday 10/19 from 9am-2pm.  We will be accepting donations on Friday 10/18 from 3-8pm.  Tell your friends and neighbors!  Many parent and students volunteers will be needed to make this event a success.  Look for an e-mail in the coming weeks to find out how you can help. A flyer is attached.


Will begin this week. The September lesson calendar is attached, as well as an alphabetical list of student lesson groups.  If you have questions about this important part of your student’s grade in band, please review the YHS Band Handbook or contact Ms. Kluga.


In the handbook, please find the list of musical accessories your student will need to be successful in band. Please have your student bring these accessories to their band lesson this week. All students will need a pencil in class every day.


Our first Pep Band performance of the season is this Friday 9/13, away at Somers. Interested students should sign up in the band room. On Friday evening, arrive to the band room by 5:00, wearing your YHS Band polo or a green shirt (freshmen). We will ride a bus to and from the game. We should be home by 9:30.

All YHS Band students are welcome!  This is a great way to support our football team and earn extra-credit! 


Periodically our student band officers will organize a band “spirit” outing; a social opportunity for band students to have fun together outside of rehearsal. This season, Concert Band Vice President Bella Bravo (‘22) has organized our annual YHS Band apple picking outing to Wilken’s Farm.  Thanks Bella!

What: Apple Picking at Wilken’s Farm in Yorktown

When: Sunday 9/15

Report Time: Meet AT WILKEN’S at 10:00am

End Time: Approximately 12:00 noon

COST: $12 cash (includes a half-peck of apples, hot apple cider, 1 cider doughnut, and priceless band memories :).

Interested in attending?  Please bring in $12 cash and sign up in the Band Room by Wednesday 9/11.


Jazz Band auditions will take place Wednesday 9/18 from 1:30 – 3:00 in the band room. Audition requirements and sign-ups are available in the band room.  Weekly rehearsals will begin the week of 9/23 on a day and time TBA.  Returning Jazz Band students do not need to audition, but are required to attend the meeting at 1:35 on 9/18.


One of our first fundraisers of the year is the annual Music Boosters Tag Sale.  This is a reminder to please save your stuff to donate!!  The sale will take place in the YHS Cafeteria on Saturday 10/19 from 9am-2pm.  We will be accepting donations on Friday 10/18 from 3-8pm.  Tell your friends and neighbors!  Many parent and students volunteers will be needed to make this event a success.  Look for an e-mail in the coming weeks to find out how you can help. A flyer is attached.


Our Jazz Band will be performing at Relay for Life.  Ms. Kluga is still working with the Relay organizers to find out our finalized time.  We will meet at the Jack DeVito memorial track (in town by the Yorktown Stage). Dress is concert black with your white tie. You are responsible for bringing your instrument, music, and water.

We will please need assistance bringing chairs, stands, and equipment from YHS to Relay.  If you have a large car and are able to help, please let Ms. Kluga know.  We will load equipment on Friday 6/14, and will need help returning equipment to YHS after the performance.


The yearbook was created by our band officers, is professionally printed, and contains photos and captions of the many (many!) band events throughout the year.  The cost is $25 each.  If your student is interested, a sign-up sheet is available in the band room. This is not a fundraiser; the books are sold at cost.


If your student has a YHS owned instrument, and have not yet returned it to school, please do so ASAP.  The instruments are being sent out for cleaning and service.

If your student has rented an instrument from MUSIC & ARTS, they are also due in the band room.  Please clean out your case and make sure all mouthpieces, ligatures, and mouthpiece covers are present.  If you would like to continue your rental program over the summer, please contact your rental company.


Keep those lips in prime playing shape over the summer! If you rented a YHS-owned instrument this year and are interested in renting it for the summer, please see Ms. Kluga (fee is $25, check made payable to Yorktown Central School District).  Instruments will be ready for pick up by the end of exams.  

If you are interested in exploring private lessons, Ms. Kluga would be happy to provide you with more information.


If you are interested in becoming a member of our core group of band parent helpers, please e-mail Ms. Kluga.  We will be meeting in August to start planning next year’s events.  If you are interested in becoming at First Nighter, please e-mail Ms. Kluga as well, and she will forward your information to them.