
1852 posts


Our Spring Concert will take place on Wednesday, 5/15 at 7:00pm in the YHS Auditorium. Your students and I look forward to performing for you!

  • Students will need to arrive early to warm up.  Please have your student at YHS promptly by 6:30PM.  (Jazz Band Students need to be in the auditorium, with their instruments assembled, ready to play promptly by 6:00).
  • Concert Dress
    • Girls:
      • Black pants (please no yoga pants, sweatpants, or leggings) or a LONG black skirt  (below the knee).
      • Black Blouse– longish sleeves with an appropriate neck-line (no sleeveless shirts or spaghetti straps, please).
      • Black stockings
      • Black Shoes (please no flip-flops)
    • Boys:

§  Black Pants

§  Black Shirt (long-sleeved and button down)

§  Black Socks

  • Black Shoes
  • JAZZ BAND: We are wearing all black and a “white” tie.


To celebrate our student’s performance, and our senior’s final concert, we will host a reception in the cafeteria.  Parent donations and help are needed – please refer to the e-mail from earlier this week (from parent organizer Margaret Serafin) for information on how you can help.

REMINDER: SPRING DATES – Please double check your calendars!

4/29-5/3 (Mon-Fri)          ’19-‘20 Wind Ensemble Auditions                                    

5/1 (Wed)                       First Nighters Awards Dinner (Juniors/Seniors only) 7:00pm

5/10-5/11 (Fri-Sat)           NYSSMA Solo Festival @ Henrick Hudson HS       

5/11 (Sat)                       Concert Band Six Flags Festival Trip

5/14 (Tues)                     Grand Finale Dress Rehearsal p.9 (All CB and WE students)

5/15 (Wed)                     YHS Spring Band Concert @ 7:00 pm (Senior dinner at Little Sorrento @ 4:30)

5/27 (Mon)                     Memorial Day Parade and Annual YHS Band BBQ

6/1 (Thurs)                     Band Officer Elections ’19-‘20

6/8 (Fri)                         Jazz Band performs at Relay for Life @ time TBA


Our Concert Band Six Flags Festival trip is this Saturday!  Students are asked to report to YHS at 6:00am, wearing their YHS Band polo, long black pants (please no yoga pants, sweat pants, or leggings) and black shoes.  Students are welcome to bring a change of bottoms/shoes for our time in the park.  The band polo must be worn all day.

PLEASE PACK YOUR STUDENT A BAGGED LUNCH, WATER, AND SNACKS FOR THE BUS. We will use our meal voucher for dinner in the park. G, PG, or PG-13 DVD’s are also welcome for our bus rides.

Our itinerary, expectation sheet, and medical form were distributed last week in class.  Please return these forms, and a Xerox of your medical insurance card by this Wednesday 5/8. They are attached if you need them.

Our chaperones are:

YHS Staff – Ms. Kluga and Mr. Laber

Parents – Mrs. Beaudreault, Mrs. Florio, Mrs. Merlini, Mrs. Townes


Our Spring Concert will take place on Wednesday, 5/15 at 7:00pm in the YHS Auditorium. Ms. Kluga and your students look forward to performing for you!

  • Students will need to arrive early to warm up.  Please have your student at YHS promptly by 6:30PM.  (Jazz Band Students need to be in the auditorium, with their instruments assembled, ready to play promptly by 6:00).
  • Concert Dress
    • Girls:
      • Black pants (please no yoga pants, sweatpants, or leggings) or a LONG black skirt (below the knee).
      • Black Blouse– longish sleeves with an appropriate neck-line (no sleeveless shirts or spaghetti straps, please).
      • Black stockings
      • Black Shoes (please no flip-flops)
    • Boys:

§  Black Pants

§  Black Shirt (long-sleeved and button down)

§  Black Socks

  • Black Shoes


To celebrate our student’s performance, and our senior’s final concert, we will host a reception in the cafeteria.  Parent donations and help are needed – please look for an e-mail from parent organizer Margaret Serafin for information on how you can help.


To celebrate their final concert, it is a tradition for the Seniors to go out to dinner.  This year’s event will take place at Little Sorrento’s on Wednesday, 5/15 (the day of our concert) at 4:30pm.  The cost is $25 per person (cash). Please RSVP with payment to senior Roger Cirone or Cassie Hunt by Tuesday 5/14.


Each year, the YHS Band participates in the town of Yorktown Memorial Day Parade. This is our most public event of the year and is an important service for our Yorktown community.  All YHS Band students are required to participate.  Contact Ms. Kluga with questions. FYI: students will wear their YHS Band polo, long black pants (please no yoga pants, sweat pants, or leggings) and black shoes.

After our parade performance, all YHS Band students are invited to 16th annual YHS Band Memorial Day BBQ, at Roger Cirone’s home. A sign-up sheet and information on how to contribute food for this event will be available in the coming weeks.

REMINDER: SPRING DATES – Please double check your calendars!

4/29-5/3 (Mon-Fri)          ’19-‘20 Wind Ensemble Auditions                                    

5/1 (Wed)                       First Nighters Awards Dinner (Juniors/Seniors only) 7:00pm

5/10-5/11 (Fri-Sat)           NYSSMA Solo Festival @ Henrick Hudson HS       

5/11 (Sat)                       Concert Band Hershey Park Festival Trip

5/14 (Tues)                     Grand Finale Dress Rehearsal p.9 (All CB and WE students)

5/15 (Wed)                     YHS Spring Band Concert @ 7:00 pm (Senior dinner at Little Sorrento @ 4:30)

5/27 (Mon)                     Memorial Day Parade and Annual YHS Band BBQ

6/1 (Thurs)                     Band Officer Elections ’19-‘20

6/8 (Fri)                         Jazz Band performs at Relay for Life @ time TBA


Amazingly, we have 2 Jazz Band meetings left until our concert! Make time to practice, and to listen. Schedule and attend a sectional. Let me know how I can help you! Looking forward to our rehearsal this week!

1. Thursday 5/2 – Rehearsal 7:30-9pm

2. Thursday 5/9 – Senior Citizen’s prom 6-7pm. Then Dress Rehearsal from 7:30-9.


Arrive promptly by 5:50. Wear all black and your white tie. We will perform all of our songs from the year.



Dress Rehearsal for our Spring Concert 7:30-9pm in the auditorium with the tech crew. 


Our Concert Band Six Flags Festival trip is quickly approaching!  Students are asked to report to YHS at 6:00am, wearing their YHS Band polo, long black pants (please no yoga pants, sweat pants, or leggings) and black shoes.  Students are welcome to bring a change of bottoms/shoes for our time in the park.  The band polo must be worn all day.