
1852 posts


Our Spring Concert will take place on Wednesday, 5/15 at 7:00pm in the YHS Auditorium. Ms. Kluga and your students forward to performing for you!

  • Students will need to arrive early to warm up.  Please have your student at YHS promptly by 6:30PM.  (Jazz Band Students need to be in the auditorium, with their instruments assembled, ready to play promptly by 6:00).
  • Concert Dress
    • Girls:
      • Black pants (please no yoga pants, sweatpants, or leggings) or a LONG black skirt (below the knee).
      • Black Blouse– longish sleeves with an appropriate neck-line (no sleeveless shirts or spaghetti straps, please).
      • Black stockings
      • Black Shoes (please no flip-flops)
    • Boys:

§  Black Pants

§  Black Shirt (long-sleeved and button down)

§  Black Socks

  • Black Shoes


To celebrate our student’s performance, and our senior’s final concert, we will host a reception in the cafeteria.  Parent donations and help are needed – please look for an e-mail in the coming weeks from parent organizer Margaret Serafin for information on how you can help.


To celebrate their final concert, it is a tradition for the Seniors to go out to dinner.  This year’s event will take place at Little Sorrento’s on Wednesday, 5/15 (the day of our concert) at 4:30pm.  The cost is $25 per person (cash). Please RSVP with payment to senior Roger Cirone or Cassie Hunt by Tuesday 5/14.


Your YHS Band Senior Bio and/or Senior Will is due by MONDAY 5/6, to be featured in our Spring Concert program/Newsletter.  Please e-mail your completed Bio/Will to Ms. Kluga.  A worksheet on how to write a Senior Bio and a Senior Will is attached.


Each year, the YHS Band participates in the town of Yorktown Memorial Day Parade. This is our most public event of the year and is an important service for our Yorktown community.  All YHS Band students are required to participate.  Contact Ms. Kluga with questions. FYI: students will wear their YHS Band polo, long black pants (please no yoga pants, sweat pants, or leggings) and black shoes.After our parade performance, all YHS Band students are invited to 16th annual YHS Band Memorial Day BBQ, at Roger Cirone’s home. A sign-up sheet and information on how to contribute food for this event will be available in the coming weeks.

REMINDER: SPRING DATES – Please double check your calendars!

4/24-4/26                       CB Video Assessment #4 (Festival Readiness)

4/29-5/3 (Mon-Fri)          ’19-‘20 Wind Ensemble Auditions                                    

5/1 (Wed)                       First Nighters Awards Dinner (Juniors/Seniors only) 7:00pm

5/10-5/11 (Fri-Sat)           NYSSMA Solo Festival @ Henrick Hudson HS       

5/11 (Sat)                       Concert Band Hershey Park Festival Trip

5/15 (Wed)                     YHS Spring Band Concert @ 7:00 pm

5/27 (Mon)                     Memorial Day Parade and Annual YHS Band BBQ

6/8 (Fri)                         Jazz Band performs at Relay for Life @ time TBA


The final video assessment of the year will take place during your student’s lesson the week of 4/23. This assessment will determine your student’s readiness to attend and successfully participate in our Six Flags music festival. You should hear your students practicing at home. Ms. Kluga is available for help every day after school by appointment.


The First Nighters is a parent group whose mission is to support the YCSD Performing Arts programs.  Each year they honor our junior and senior students at a Performing Arts awards banquet.  Junior and senior students should have received an invitation (please let Ms. Kluga know if you have not).  This year’s banquet will take place on Wednesday, May 1st at 7:00pm at Vittoria’Z on the Lake in Jefferson Valley, and will include catered dinner, entertainment, and awards presentations. Please be sure to RSVP!


YHSWE Seniors are welcome to attend our Six Flags trip to cheer on our Concert Band (and help with equipment!). If you are interested, please e-mail Ms. Kluga.   The number of WE seniors attending will determine your cost. The trip is Saturday 5/11.


For interested seniors, your YHS Band Senior Bio is due by MONDAY 5/6, to be featured in our Spring Concert program.  Please e-mail your completed Bio to Ms. Kluga.  A worksheet on how to write a Senior Bio is attached.


A fantastic opportunity for your child to experience a week (or more!) of musical study, surrounded by college-level teachers, enthusiastic counselors, and new band friends from other towns, counties, and states!  A huge variety of camps are available (both near and far!).  An informational handout is attached.  Please contact me with questions.


And we are SO excited! Our itinerary is packed with musical awesomeness: attending a West Point concert and masterclasses, enjoying STOMP and workshop with the cast, participating in our adjudication and clinic with a panel of nationally recognized music educators, experiencing a Jazz at Lincoln Center concert with Wynton Marsalis, McCoy Tyner and Charles McPherson. Also a solemn visit to the 9/11 memorial and museum. One of the pieces we are performing is dedicated to the victims and survivors. “A Hymn for the Lost and the Living” by Eric Ewazen. Music teaches empathy and is at the core of ESTEAM. We are so grateful for the support of all these musical opportunities!

A few Wind Ensemble reminders are below as you pack and prepare tonight:

·       Students, please arrive to school tomorrow morning by 7:15 wearing your YHS Band polo, black pants (no sweatpants) and black shoes and socks. If you can arrive earlier, please do.

·       Please report immediately to the auditorium. The goal is to be on the bus and driving by 7:30.

·       Please pack your festival music, jazz band music, NYSSMA solo, and West Point music.

·       Please pack your photo ID for the security check at West Point

·       Listen to today’s rehearsal recordings as you pack! They are available on Dashboard. Enjoy our music and be proud!