
1836 posts


Many thanks to the 40+ band students who performed at Friday night’s football game vs. Lourdes! Ms. Kluga is  so happy that we were able to be there to celebrate the team’s senior night, and support our Huskers for a nail-biter of a game. There was some great playing both on the field and in the stands!  


No pep band this Friday due to the long holiday weekend.


This week, students will experience their first video assessment of the year. Students are videotaped performing their homework assignment, and assessed on their ability to demonstrate the musical concepts we have covered so far.  This assessment will act as a base-line for the start of our year together, and help the student and Ms. Kluga form a learning plan – what musical concepts they are confident in, and what concepts they will focus on improving. You will receive your child’s video and score sheet via e-mail.


October is fundraising month in the YHS Music Department.  Each year, the YHS Bands and Orchestras each participate in regional music festivals.  Our fundraisers help students defray the cost of their participation, and part of the proceeds also benefit the YHS Music Boosters “general fund” which is used to cover chaperone costs and purchase items that benefit the entire program


The Citrus Sale is our largest fundraiser!  Last year we sold over 1,600 boxes of citrus fruit and made a PROFIT of over $20,000!  Please help us make this year’s sale even more successful!  Information will be distributed and reviewed in class this week, and is attached FYI.  As the sale benefits everyone, we ask that all band students please sell at least 5 boxes.  


As strange as it seems, this fundraiser is extremely successful with many repeat customers, because of the product’s quality, economy, and shelf-life.  The fruit is literally picked straight off the trees, loaded into a truck, and arrives at our school about 36 hours later.  Ms. Kluga purchase two large boxes each year for my little family, and we enjoy the citrus through February (I keep it in my garage).  Ms. Kluga also sends boxes via USPS as holiday gifts.  So, there’s Ms. Kluga’s sales pitch.  It really is a great product and a great fundraiser.  Ms. Kluga is happy to answer any questions!



This is a reminder to please save your stuff to donate!!  The sale will take place in the YHS Cafeteria on Saturday 10/27 from 9am-2pm.  We will be accepting donations on Friday 10/26 from 3-7pm.  Tell your friends and neighbors!  Many parent and student volunteers will be needed to make this event a success.

(FYI, all left over Tag Sale items will be donated to charity.)


Sign up via this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508094CA5AE23A7F49-yhsmusic


Please refer to the e-mail from parent-organizer Theresa Ryan-Onatzevitch ([email protected]) to find out how you can help.


Sign-up sheets for STUDENT HELPERS will be available in the Band Room.  We need your help!


All left-over items will be donated to the American Red Cross via the GreenDrop organization. A flyer with more information on Green Drop is attached.


Thank you so much for your help in making Friday Night’s Homecoming BBQ a success!  Whether you donated food, supplies, or your time, the students and I truly appreciate your support.  Special thanks to Mrs. Serafin and Mrs. Mohindra for organizing our parent volunteers, the Huskers for supplying the grill, and Mr. Benvenga, Mr. Racioppo, Mrs. Ryan-Onatzevitch, and Charles Racioppo (YHS Band alumni 2012) for their grilling skills!


With over 60 band members attending, we were a musical force in the stands.  And, alongside our YHS Cheerleaders and the student fan section “The Crop,” we all worked together to cheer on our Huskers.  What a wonderful opportunity for all YHS band members 9-12 to have fun together and support our school community.  Thank you again for making this evening possible; it’s these kinds of events that stick in student’s minds and help build a strong and unified band program!


Our next Pep Band performance will be this Friday 9/28 vs. Lourdes (our last regularly scheduled home game!). We are looking forward to lending our musical talents to support our team! A sign-up sheet is available in the band room.


What: Pep Band performance at our YHS home varsity football game

When: Friday, September 28th.  Be at the band room by 5:15 (game begins at 7:00)

Wear: Your YHS Band polo shirt.  If you think you will be chilly, please wear a long-sleeved turtleneck/t-shirt under the polo.  If you still think you’ll be cold, bring a coat/sweatshirt.


Band lessons have begun!  All students have a homework assignment that will be graded at their next lesson. Your entire HW assignment is available on their Dashboard. If you have a question about your assignment, or would like some extra help, please see Ms. Kluga. 


All students should have a 3-ring binder with 5 dividers that they keep in the band room. They will need it at every lesson.  Please write your name and ensemble on the front of the binder. Label the dividers: Lesson Assignments, Lesson Materials, Written Assignments, Notes, Reference


The First Nighters is a parent group whose mission is to support the YCSD Performing Arts programs.  Each year they invite parents to help their cause!   Some of their initiatives include:

  • Advocating for and supporting the arts programs in all schools.
  • Purchasing supplies for the arts programs in all schools.
  • Providing yearly scholarships to outstanding seniors.
  • Honoring Performing Arts juniors and seniors at an annual recognition dinner. 

First Nighter’s information letter