Will begin this week. The September lesson calendar is attached, as well as an alphabetical list of student lesson groups. If you have questions about this important part of your student’s grade in band, please review the YHS Band Handbook or contact Ms. Kluga.
Attached is the list of musical accessories your student will need to be successful in band. Please have your student bring their band binder and musical accessories to their band lesson this week.
Jazz Band auditions will take place Wednesday 9/14 from 1:30 – 3:00 in the band room. Audition requirements and sign-ups are posted in the band room. Weekly rehearsals will begin Tuesday evening 9/20 at a time TBA. Returning Jazz Band students are not required to audition, but are required to attend the meeting on 9/14.
Periodically our student band officers will organize a band “spirit” outing; a social opportunity for band students to have fun together outside of rehearsal. This season Wind Ensemble Vice President Daniel Rogers (senior) has organized our annual YHS Band apple picking outing to Wilken’s Farm. Thanks Dan!
What: Apple Picking at Wilken’s Farm in Yorktown
When: Sunday 9/25
Report Time: Meet AT WILKEN’S at 10:00am
End Time: Approximately 12:00 noon
COST: $9 (includes a half-peck of apples, hot apple cider, 2 cider doughnuts, and priceless band memories :).
Interested in attending? Please bring in $9 cash and sign up in the Band Room.
One of our first fundraisers of the year is the annual Music Boosters Tag Sale. This is a reminder to please save your stuff to donate!! The sale will take place in the YHS Cafeteria on Saturday 10/15 from 9am-2pm. We will be accepting donations on Friday 10/14 from 3-8pm. Tell your friends and neighbors! Many parent and students volunteers will be needed to make this event a success. Look for an e-mail in the coming weeks to find out how you can help.
It’s a busy (but fun!) start to the year and there are tons of ways band students (and parents) can get involved. Thank you for your support and please contact Ms. Kluga with any questions.
Our first Pep Band performance of the year is this Friday 9/9, at home vs. John Jay. ALL band students are invited to attend! Pep Band is a great way for your student to socialize, play fun music, support our school and community, and earn extra credit toward their grade in band. FRESHMEN, please join us for a fun evening and see what Pep Band is all about!
What: Pep Band performance at the Varsity Football game
When: Friday, 9/9 2016
Report Time: 5:45 PM
End Time: approximately 9:30 PM
Where: YHS Band Room.
Wear: Your YHS Band Polo (freshmen, wear something Yorktown. Our polo shirts might be in by Friday, but it will be cutting it close).
Jazz Band auditions will take place Wednesday 9/14 from 1:30 – 3:00 in the band room. Audition requirements and sign-ups will be posted later this week. Weekly rehearsals will begin Tuesday evening 9/20 at a time TBA. Returning Jazz Band students are not required to audition, but are required to attend the meeting on 9/14.
Our first big event of the year is the YHS Homecoming. The YHS Pep Band will be performing crowd-rallying music at the varsity football game, as well as enjoying a pre-game dinner and tons of band spirit beforehand at the 13th Annual YHS Band Homecoming BBQ.
What: Pep Band BBQ and Homecoming Varsity Football Game
When: Friday, September 16th at 5:00pm (game-time 7:00pm)
Where: BBQ will be outside the YHS Band Room.
All YHS Band students are welcome! This is a great way to support our football team, share in the homecoming festivities, and earn some band extra-credit! A student sign-up sheet will be available in the band room next week.
We are also looking for parents to donate supplies and/or their time. We will need chaperones, food donations, food preparation, and clean-up help. Look for an e-mail later this week from parent-organizer Margaret Serafin ([email protected]) to find out how you can help.
Periodically our student band officers will organize a band “spirit” outing; a social opportunity for band students to have fun together outside of rehearsal. This season Wind Ensemble Vice President Daniel Rogers (senior) has organized our annual YHS Band apple picking outing to Wilken’s Farm. Thanks Dan!
What: Apple Picking at Wilken’s Farm in Yorktown
When: Sunday 9/25
Report Time: Meet AT WILKEN’S at 10:00am
End Time: Approximately 12:00 noon
COST: $9 (includes a half-peck of apples, hot apple cider, 2 cider doughnuts, and priceless band memories :).
Interested in attending? Please bring in $9 cash and sign up in the Band Room.
One of our first fundraisers of the year is the annual Music Boosters Tag Sale. This is a reminder to please save your stuff to donate!! The sale will take place in the YHS Cafeteria on Saturday 10/15 from 9am-2pm. We will be accepting donations on Friday 10/14 from 3-8pm. Tell your friends and neighbors! Many parent and students volunteers will be needed to make this event a success. Look for an e-mail in the coming weeks to find out how you can help.
Please e-mail Ms. Kluga with any questions.
Many thanks to all of the band students who performed at the graduation ceremony yesterday, providing our 2016 graduates with music to process onto and off of the stage. Our entire learning community truly appreciates your time and talents! Thank you for your participation, and help in creating this special memory for our seniors. Congratulations to our YHS Band senior class – love and best wishes to all as you begin your next adventures in life!
If you are applying for Community Service hours, the time-frame that you should document is from 11:30am – 3:30pm. This would cover the time we used to pack the buses, set up and tear down, and our time at the ceremony.
Mark your calendars! The 15th Annual YHS Band Ice Cream Social will take place Thursday, August 25th from 6-8pm at YHS. (FYI: Section Leaders and Officers, you will need to report at 4:30pm).
Officers and Section Leaders, mark your calendars! We will meet on Thursday, September 1st 2016 (the freshmen-only first day of school). First, we will organize our traditional Freshmen welcome breakfast during period 1 (7:15-8:30). Then, from 8:30-11:00, we will participate in a workshop to learn the skills needed to lead a successful sectional.
If you want band in your schedule for next year, please double check with your guidance counselor to avoid possible scheduling conflicts.