Practice Makes Perfect

All students have a homework assignment due at their weekly lesson.  You should hear your students practicing at home.


Spring is a very busy time for everyone.  The students and Ms. Kluga have talked about the privilege of attending our spring festivals.  You should hear your student practicing (and improving!). A reminder to students that 30 minutes of practice 5 days a week is more effective than one marathon cram-session the night before their lesson.  


Ms. Kluga is always available after school to help students.  The band room is open everyday after school for students to practice, and students are encouraged to practice during their free periods throughout the day.


Upcoming Dates

Sat – Mon 5/14-16: Wind Ensemble NYC Festival Trip

Wed 5/18: YHS Band Spring Concert @ 7:30pm (Senior Dinner @ 5pm, Little Sorrento’s)

Fri – Sat 5/20-21: NYSSMA Solo Festival

Sat 5/21: Concert Band Hershey Trip

Mon – Fri 5/23-27: Wind Ensemble ’16-’17 Auditions

Wed 5/25: First Nighter’s Awards Dinner @ 7pm, YHS Cafeteria (Juniors and Seniors only)

Mon 5/30: Memorial Day Parade and BBQ

Thurs 6/2: Band Officer Elections ’16-’17

Wind Ensemble Auditions Moved

To maximize the rehearsal time before our concert and festival trips, the ’16-’17 Wind Ensemble auditions have been moved to the week of May 23rd – 27th.  Sign ups and information will be available in the coming weeks.

Lesson Homework Reminder

All students have a homework assignment due at this week’s lesson.  You should hear your students practicing at home.


CB Students:

  • Memorize the D concert scale and arpeggio, in the pattern at quarter note = 100.
  • Band Music: Lauda m. 1-34 AND Jurassic Park m. 1-23.
  • Be able to play the correct notes and rhythms at a steady tempo.  Write in the counting for the difficult rhythms.
  • Bring your assigned NYSSMA solo to your lesson.


WE Students:

  • Memorize the D concert scale and arpeggio, in the pattern at quarter note = 100.
  • Band Music: Shortcut Home m. 1-41 AND Star Wars m. 1-38.
  • Be able to play the correct notes and rhythms at a steady tempo.  Write in the counting for the difficult rhythms.
  • Bring your assigned NYSSMA solo (or ensemble) to your lesson.

2016 NYSSMA Solo Festival Forms Due Friday 4/1

The NYSSMA (New York State School Music Association) solo festival is a wonderful opportunity for your student to grow as a musician, gain confidence, earn the full 5 extra credit points, and possibly be selected to perform in an ensemble with the best band students in all of Westchester. To participate, students prepare scales, a solo and sight-reading.  At the festival, students will perform for a judge who will give them a score and comments.  This quarter, all band students will be learning a NYSSMA solo as part of their lesson homework (so if they are interested in participating in NYSSMA, or auditioning for Wind Ensemble (see below), they will have the necessary tools to do so).


NYSSMA Festival Dates: Friday – Saturday May 20 – 21, 2016

Location: John Jay Middle School (Cross River)

NYSSMA Forms are under the documents tab and are also available in the band room.  COMPLETED FORMS ARE DUE FRIDAY 4/1.

Wind Ensemble Auditions Forms Due Firday 4/1

Auditions for the 2016-2017 Wind Ensemble will take place 4/25 – 4/29 (Monday- Friday).  Students wishing to audition should review the audition information sheet (attached) with you.  If your student is interested in auditioning, I strongly suggest that they also participate in NYSSMA.  The Wind Ensemble audition information sheet/permission slip is attached and is also available in the band room.  FORMS ARE DUE FRIDAY 4/1.

Summer Music Camps

A fantastic opportunity for your child to experience a week (or more!) of musical study, surrounded by college level teachers, enthusiastic counselors, and new band friends from other towns, counties, and states!  A huge variety of camps are available (both near and far!).  An informational handout is under the documents tab.  Please contact Ms. Kluga with questions.

The First Nighter Camp Scholorship

The First Nighters of Yorktown sponsors three $500 summer camp scholarships each year.  An application can be found in documents. Please contact Ms. Kluga with questions.

WCSMA Summer Camp Scholarship

The Westchester County School Music Association sponsors two $500 summer camp scholarships each year.  An application can be found in documents. Please contact Ms. Kluga with questions.

Pep Band Yearbook Photo 3/15

For interested band students, the yearbook staff will be taking club photos for Pep Band on Tuesday 3/15 at 2:30pm.   

Please wear your YHS Band Polo shirt and report to the cafeteria by 2:25.

Lesson Homework

All students received a homework assignment due at this week’s lesson.  You should hear your students practicing at home.


CB Students:

  • Memorize the C concert scale and arpeggio, in the pattern at quarter note = 100. 
  • Band Music: Lauda m. 1-34 AND Jurassic Park m. 1-23.
  • Be able to play the correct notes and rhythms at a steady tempo.
  • Write in the counting for the difficult rhythms.


WE Students:

  • Memorize the C concert scale and arpeggio, in the pattern at quarter note = 100. 
  • Band Music: Shortcut Home m. 1-41 AND Star Wars m. 1-38.
  • Be able to play the correct notes and rhythms at a steady tempo. 
  • Write in the counting for the difficult rhythms.

Lesson Homework

All students received a homework assignment due at this week’s lesson.  You should hear your students practicing at home.

CB Students:

  • Memorize the C concert scale and arpeggio, in the pattern at quarter note = 100.
  • Band Music: Lauda m. 1-34 AND Jurassic Park m. 1-23.
  • Be able to play the correct notes and rhythms at a steady tempo.
  • Write in the counting for the difficult rhythms.


WE Students:

  • Memorize the C concert scale and arpeggio, in the pattern at quarter note = 100.
  • Band Music: Shortcut Home m. 1-41 AND Star Wars m. 1-38.
  • Be able to play the correct notes and rhythms at a steady tempo.
  • Write in the counting for the difficult rhythms.

Pep Band Yearbook Photo 3/15

For interested band students, the yearbook staff will be taking club photos for Pep Band on Tuesday 3/15 at 2:30pm.

Please wear your YHS Band Polo shirt and report to the cafeteria by 2:25.

Swing Dance at Embark Peekskill 3/19

Did you have fun at our Swing Dance and are looking for more opportunities to dance?  On Saturday 3/19, dance instructor Bill Kline will be hosting a Swing Dance in Peekskill.  Open to all ages, no partner required.  Information can be found under documents.

2016 NYSSMA Solo Festival

The NYSSMA (New York State School Music Association) solo festival is a wonderful opportunity for your student to grow as a musician, gain confidence, earn the full 5 extra credit points, and possibly be selected to perform in an ensemble with the best band students in all of Westchester. To participate, students prepare scales, a solo and sight-reading.  At the festival, students will perform for a judge who will give them a score and comments.  This quarter, all band students will be learning a NYSSMA solo as part of their lesson homework (so if they are interested in participating in NYSSMA, or auditioning for Wind Ensemble (see below), they will have the necessary tools to do so).


NYSSMA Festival Dates: Friday – Saturday May 20 – 21, 2016

Location: John Jay Middle School (Cross River)

NYSSMA Forms are attached and also available in the band room.  COMPLETED FORMS ARE DUE FRIDAY 4/1.