In addition to the musical opportunity NYSSMA provides, students are able to receive honors credit for Concert Band or Wind Ensemble by earning a score of 95 or above on a level 6 solo/ensemble, or a score of 97 or above on a level 5 solo/ensemble.
Auditions for the 2023-2024 Wind Ensemble will take place at the end of April. Students wishing to audition should review the audition information sheet (attached). I strongly suggest that interested students also participate in NYSSMA. The Wind Ensemble audition information sheet/permission slip is attached and is also available in the band room.
Flyers are attached for your review and listed below. Some interesting musical opportunities for our students!
· Montclair State University Double Reed Day
· Montclair State University Clarinet Day
As part of our Jazz curriculum, students study the music from the period and also learn to social dance the Jitterbug. Thursday was our first dance lesson – we are off to a great start!
Please be aware that the Swing Dance Concert Snow Date is Sunday 2/11
Our next major event is the fun and fabulous Swing Dance Concert! Please save the date: Saturday, February 10th 2024 from 7-10:30pm in the YHS Gym. All YHS Band students are required to attend – Concert Band, Jazz Band, and Wind Ensemble will perform.
Now in its 15th year, the Swing Dance Concert is an eagerly anticipated, well-attended and fun evening for our entire Yorktown community (each year we have many senior citizens and community members attend and enjoy the evening with us!).
I am so excited to share this news – our YHS Band students will have the opportunity to learn from the talented musicians of The West Point Jazz Combo! Our day together will include performances, clinics, and Q&A sessions. Here is our tentative schedule:
- Period 1-2 Concert Band Performance, clinic, and Q&A
- Periods 3-4 Jazz Band Performance, clinic, and Q&A
- Period 8-9 Wind Ensemble Performance, clinic, and Q&A
Come out and support our Huskers and Blythedale Children’s Hospital at YHS’s 3rd annual “Charlie Strong” game!
WHEN: Friday 1/12. Report at 5:15pm in the Band Room
BRING: Bring your instrument and charged cell phone.
WEAR: Your YHS Band polo. Music and Snacks will be provided.
GAME: The basketball game will run from 6:15-8:00pm.
We need parent volunteers, please. Roles include: securing raffle prizes, creating raffle baskets, planning logistics, and working the raffle table, admissions table, and buffet table the evening of the event.
Our next committee meeting is this Thursday 1/11/24 from 8:30-9:15pm (please note the time change) in the YHS Band Room. Please let me know if you would be able to help – we would love to have you join our team!
Our music, recordings, and the HW assignment are posted on Dashboard. Please set aside for personal practice so that you are ready for our rehearsal this Thursday 1/11/24 from 6:50-8:30pm. Happy practicing!
Please save the date:
Wednesday 2/7: Jazz Band’s annual “World Tour of Yorktown” Fieldtrip (7:45am-3:00pm, Mohansic, Crompond, Brookside, BOCES Pinesbridge School and MESMS)
Monday 1/8 | Percussion |
Tuesday 1/9 | JB Trombone |
Wednesday 1/10 | Sax |
Thursday 1/11 | JB Trumpet, JB Rhythm, JB Sax, Clarinet, Flute |
Friday 1/12 |
Many thanks to the band parents who so generously donated food items, or their time, to host our post-concert outdoor reception. Special thanks to Ms. Rindone and Mrs. Aoukar for coordinating the on-line donations. It was wonderful to see all the smiles from our students and families as everyone celebrated their performance!
Many thanks, also, for your support and help making our Citrus Day a success. Thank you to Ms. Rindone and Mrs. Aoukar for coordinating the volunteers and food donations and to all who so generously donated supplies, food items, or your valuable time to help make this day a success!
Special thanks to Mrs. Cabral, Mrs. Federico, Mrs. Kiklowicz, Mrs. Mahanna, and Ms. Rindone for volunteering your time on Citrus Day – helping us keep our logistics organized and keep the day flowing.

There are extra citrus boxes available: gift boxes of navel/apple/pear and pecan/mandarin. $25 each. If you are interested, please e-mail Ms Kluga.
Our next major event is the fun and fabulous Swing Dance Concert! Please save the date: Saturday, February 10th 2024 from 7-10:30pm in the YHS Gym. All YHS Band students are required to attend.
Now in its 15th year, the Swing Dance Concert is an eagerly anticipated, well-attended and fun evening for our entire Yorktown community (each year we have many senior citizens and community members attend and enjoy the evening with us!).