All students received a copy of the YHS Band Handbook via their YHS Band Dashboard. If you haven’t already, please review it with your students, fill out the information on the last page, and upload the signed page to our Google Classroom.
To give our freshmen a sense of what our program is about, and tell you how much band means to them, our very dedicated Band Officers have created a welcome video. Many thanks to these enthusiastic student leaders! You can watch it here:
The September lesson calendar and list of student lesson groups can be found on Dashboard. If you have questions about this important part of your student’s grade in band, please review the YHS Band Handbook or contact Ms. Kluga.
In the handbook, please find the list of musical accessories your student will need to be successful in band. Please have your student bring these accessories to their band lesson next week. All students will need a pencil in class every day.
Parents, Ms. Kluga will miss seeing and meeting you all in person for our annual Back to School Night! Instead, please take 5 minutes to watch this video overview of what your student’s experience in band will look this year. Handouts are also attached.
The First Nighters is a parent group whose mission is to support our YCSD Performing Arts programs. Each year they invite parents to help their cause. Some of their initiatives include:
§ Advocating for and supporting the arts programs in all schools.
§ Purchasing supplies for the arts programs in all schools.
§ Providing yearly scholarships to outstanding seniors.
§ Honoring all Performing Arts seniors
The First Nighters annual information letter is attached. Please consider becoming a sponsor.
Congratulations to our awesome class of 2020 band students! It has been an honor to be your teacher for four years – Ms. Kluga’s love and best wishes to all as you begin your next adventures in life!
What a wonderful celebration of our seniors! Thank you to the students and families who were able to attend our virtual performance and sharing session. It was heart-warming to see so many alumni faces on the call, and hear their advice and good wishes for our class of 2020!
View the video on the YHS Band YouTube channel here:
Thank you to our YHS Alumni team for their creativity, planning, and hours of work editing the audio and video aspects of the presentation: Abby Ferri (’16), Maddy Ferri (’18), Katie McKeown (’15), and Kaitlyn Nuebel (‘18).
Thank you to our YHS Senior team for their help: Kristen Ferguson, Abbey Milhaven, Connor Townes, Christian Varela, and Jack-Henry Whalen.
Special shout-out of thanks to Abbey Milhaven for being the mastermind behind this idea back in October! Thank you for your vision of bringing together our extended Band Family, and for realizing that this event could take on a new form and become another sliver-lining of our distance learning experience.
Our final snack-time of the school year. Please join the Band Officers Wednesday 6/24 at 3:00pm for band snack time. Again, many thanks to our very dedicated YHS Band Officers (Connor Townes, host) for setting up these weekly band social events!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 812 8223 8050
Password: 3w34hw
If you have not yet reserved a book, please sign up on this Google form The cost is $30 each (checks made payable to the YHS Music Boosters).
Looking ahead to next school year, please save the date for YHS Band Ice Cream Social #19. Whether it will be a virtual experience, or socially-distanced in person, we look forward to welcoming our freshmen and welcoming back our returning band students! Ice Cream Social 2020 is scheduled for Wednesday 9/2, 6-8pm.
If you are a graduating senior, or if you are not returning to our program next year, please consider donating your band polo. There is a drop-off bin by the band room door – please drop off your polos when you return your materials.
If you want band in your schedule for next year, please double check with your guidance counselor to avoid possible scheduling conflicts.