Ms. Kluga has two offerings for you this week:

1.     Fanfare for the Common Man –

A virtual brass choir put together by Matt Brockman, a recent Ithaca College trumpet graduate. It is such an epic brass piece and an excellent recording – totally worth a listen! Mr. Brockman states: “Fanfare for the Common Man was written and used as a rallying call to unite and honor American citizens during difficult times: the aftermath of the Great Depression and the beginning of WWII. During the COVID-19 pandemic I wanted to do just that. I united over 60 friends from all over the world and together we created this performance.”

2.     My brass quintet from when Ms. Kluga was a music student at Ithaca College. They got together this weekend to rehearse and record a movement of Handel’s Water Music via the Acapella app.



As per Dr. Hattar’s recent communication, here are Ms. Kluga’s Office Hours for the week. If a student would like to meet with her, please send her an e-mail and she will send you the meeting link.

Tuesdays: 10:00-10:40am

Thursdays: 12:00-12:40pm

Fridays: 8:00-8:40am


Ms. Kluga’s goal is to create the best band e-learning experience possible – one that is closest to our experience in the classroom.

Sight Reading Factory (SRF) – It has been such a pleasure to hear your musical growth each week! Students have been mastering the ability to play with a metronome, and interpreting rhythms and notes at sight. Please read Ms. Kluga’s written feedback to guide your progress. (Go to the ‘Assignments’ tab and click ‘Review’ next to the assignment).

All students receive a SRF example to complete on M, TU, W, TH.

Acapella App – is the best platform Ms. Kluga has found to allow for musical collaboration. Students are able to rehearse in small groups (of 9 performers or less), using layering. Larger group projects are first recorded in small groups, and then she uses other software to stitch all the parts together.

All students have a small group Acapella project to work on this week.

ASSIGNMENTS for 4/27-5/1:

ALL: Sight Reading Factory (one assignment due daily M, TU, W, TH).

CB: Acapella Assignment #3 – DUE FRIDAY 5/1. Check your e-mail for feedback from your group’s Assignment #2, and details for this week’s assignment. Details also listed on Dashboard.

WE: Acapella Assignment #4 – DUE FRIDAY 5/1. Check your e-mail for feedback from your group’s Assignment #3, and details for this week’s assignment. Details also listed on Dashboard.


Seniors in NHS are available for tutoring hours by request. If any band student would like extra help, please reach out to Ms. Kluga and she will put you in touch with an NHS member. The tutoring sessions would take place via Zoom or GoogleMeet.


All current WE underclassmen, and CB auditionees, fill out the Google Form below. (please do this, if you haven’t already!).

Auditions will be held the week of 5/4-5/8, virtually via Zoom. Schedule will be posted this week.

Audition Requirements:

Current WE students do not need to audition.

Brass and Woodwinds – All 12 Major scales memorized at q=100. NYSSMA Solo Level IV or higher. Sight Reading.

Percussion – Snare NYSSMA Solo. Mallet NYSSMA Solo. Sight Reading.

New Orleans Jazz Festival

Thank you to band parent Mrs. Newberger for sharing this awesome information! Attached is the schedule of this year’s virtual festival – which features many highlights from festivals’ past. Enjoy!

New Orleans Jazz Fest Schedule 2020.jpeg


On Friday, YHS WE students gathered to take a virtual trip to Disney. Senior, and Band Officer, Abbey Milhaven offered up this creative idea, to celebrate what would have been this weekend’s festival trip. She researched a YouTube channel full of virtual videos of Disney attractions, as well as musical experiences, from all 4 parks.

THANK YOU to Abbey for her leadership and time creating this virtual trip; for thinking outside the box to find a creative way for all of us to be “together” and experience a little Disney magic!


Seniors in NHS are available for tutoring hours by request. If any band student would like extra help, please reach out to Ms. Kluga and she will put you in touch with an NHS member. The tutoring sessions would take place via Zoom or GoogleMeet.


ALL: Sight Reading Factory (one assignment due daily Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday). To read my feedback on your assignments, go to the ‘Assignments’ tab and click ‘Review’ next to the assignment.

CB: Acapella Assignment #2 – DUE FRIDAY 4/24. Check your e-mail for feedback from your group’s Assignment #1, and details for this week’s assignment. Details also listed on Dashboard.

WE: Acapella Assignment #3 – DUE FRIDAY 4/24. Small Group Virtual Ensembles. Your sheet music is on Dashboard. Specific instructions are attached and on Dashboard under Lesson Homework.

If any student still needs free access to the Acapella app, please download it here:   The company has given us access to free downloads – but the window of signing up to use them is closing.

EVENT UPDATES – Due to NY schools being ordered closed until 5/15:

1. Our YHS BAND SPRING CONCERT is postponed.

2. The CONCERT BAND SIX FLAGS FESTIVAL TRIP is cancelled. Ms. Kluga is working with the company to start the refund process.

3. The YHS WIND ENSEMBLE AUDITIONS 2020-2021 – will now be held virtually via Zoom. Schedule TBA. Please fill out this Google Form if you are interested in auditioning.